Is it 2005 yet?

Right now I’m packing up my things, and tomorrow morning I’m driving back down to Savannah, GA. Since I’ve got a good 15 hour drive ahead of me, and I unfortunately won’t be able to get back online again until Sunday night, I wanted to wish you mofo’s a Happy New Year before I go.

So have fun tonight and drink to the new year! ( and hopefully to a more reliable server )


  1. not yetI have 1 hour and 45 minutes until the new year kicks off for me, and I am just making out to my party, so later, and it sucks to be you weasel

  2. RE: Do you live here?Yes, I live in Savannah at the moment. I go to school at the Savannah College of Art and Design.It sucked leaving New Year’s day, but the drive wasn’t bad as the road’s were quite empty. Probably because everyone actually went out and had fun the night before, instead of waking up early to drive 15 hours.

  3. RE: RE: Do you live here???I just thought it was kinda cool that someone who posts here lives where I do.

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