Insurance Fun

The recorded line for my insurance company runs through this automated message to filter out anyone who isn’t calling in regards to reporting a claim. The first pre-recorded tidbit I received was that “if this is an emergency, please hang up and dial 911”. I didn’t think much of it at first, since I figured there must have been at least one dipshit who noticed his car was getting broken into and decided to call his insurance company, rather than the cops, to make sure he was adequately covered. However, I was told this lovely piece of information another five goddamn times. Who sits there during an emergency situation listening to bad muzak versions of Rod Stewart’s vocal bowel movements while waiting to report that some hoodlums are, at that moment, destroying his Toyota Tercel. You know that with the five messages I had to endure, it’s happened at least once.

Anyway, seems that I was covered, but I’ve got a $500 deductible. Not so bad, considering what the bastards did to my dashboard. And they cover my stereo up to a grand. Now the desperate hunt to find the wayward receipt begins. Wish me luck. And if anyone has advice (especially if it involves making the homeowners insurance pay for anything, because I hate them for their lackluster security which only exists to tow my car) please feel free to share.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. recIf you bought it from best buy or circuit city they’ll have you on record. If it was bought online, most retailers keep an electronic dbase with customer info in it. Try contacting the place you bought it from first.Mike

  2. commentBest Buy or Circuit Shitty will only have you on file if you paid with a check or credit card. It’s worth checking. BUT, you may want to see what value they would have given for the factory deck, because if your car had an upgraded stereo, those are often seriously expensive upgrades, and could mean money in hand at the end of this. Also, see if you can get the body shop to work with you on repairs…include any other damage that you need fix that could be considered vandalism, and see if they will bid a little high to the insurance co. and do it for less to help offset the deductible. But make em pay for whatever you can, to get your $$ worth.

  3. better think about it.if you file that claim, your insurance will go up for like the next five years. Go to a garage and find out how much it would cost to fix first.I assume you’re in your 20’s so they already think you are evil.

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