1. …too bad that schmuck kid from Transformers is in it. He’s about as bad an actor as Will Smith.

  2. Too bad the plot was fucking shit you mean. Sometimes I think George Lucas has such a hard on for star wars that his day would not be complete if he didn’t mention a god damn alien in his movies. I had a marathon of Indy films before watching this one, only to realize that they totally missed the point of setting the movies in the 1940’s and on how religion was a major factor in archeology. We get a science fiction movie instead of a god damn adventure movie. Sigh, fucking CGI all over the place. What happened to filming on location? Everything looked fake. And that beginning chase didn’t show Ford’s face once while doing all those stunts. George Lucas: fucking things up after the third movie, once again.

  3. Filming on location? Yeah, as long as that location is in front of a green screen, then Lucas is there. If this movie sucks that bad then this lies squarely on the shoulders of Spielberg, who IMO hasn’t put out a decent movie since Close Encounters.

    And while we’re on the topic of tea in china, someone tell these directors that CGI is a tool, not a plot. As long as it’s tastefully done, and in moderation, CGI can be useful, ie. the Harry Potter series. Unfortunately 99% of todays movies follow the same adage that killed music videos….”If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, blind them with bullshit.” The problem with that is the target demographic (the under 25 crowd) doesn’t realize this because the whole lot of them are total fucking retards. These morons have grown up with this shit flashing their faces since they popped out of the womb, so if someone isn’t speaking or exploding every five seconds; the ADD kicks in and their minuscule attention span turns to the next shiniest object.

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