I’m Thinking Arby’s… Sucks.

On Saturday we were heading out to grab some food, and it was pretty late in the day, 9:50 or so. Arby’s was still open for another few minutes, so we went up to the drive-thru. I didn’t even listen to what she ordered, I was on the phone. So when it came time for me, I ordered one of those Corned Beef Ruebens and some jalapeno poppers. We get up to the window, and the guy is acting kind of antsy. I’ve never seen a Mexican get antsy before, I thought maybe the guy had to take a piss or something. We get the bags, and they get passed to me, and she asks if everything’s in there. The bag is stuffed to the gills, so much so that it’s like brickwork inside, a solid object of sandwiches and fries and such. So I say “Jesus, with this many sandwiches I hope so.”

We get back and I open the bag, and inside I pull out everything that wasn’t mine. When I’m finished, I have a bag with jalapeno poppers. I look back at what hasn’t been claimed, and there are four Beef n Cheddar sandwiches. Everything else is present and accounted for, but in lieu of my Corned Beef Rueben, I now have four Beef n Cheddars. By now Arby’s is closed, and I’m stuck with the wrong order. So I start in on the first one, and it has no cheese. No thanks, into the trash with you. I’m pessimistic of the second one, but thankfully it has the necessary cheese. The third one, however, has bacon. Then the final one is an Arby’s Melt.

Those sons of bitches didn’t want to assemble my Rueben, so they just stuffed in four random sandwiches from their stack of pre-made shit and piled on everything else so we wouldn’t be likely to check.

My cousin ate there the next day, and the food made him sick. They’re displaying powerful “Don’t Exist” signals, so I’m going to abide for a little while.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. You should be damn glad you got what you did. Arby’s answers to no one as they are king of fast food. Everything there is delicious anyway, I don’t know what the problem is. You got way more than you paid for.

    In short. Arby’s > you.

  2. My girlfriend ate at arbys before flying. Low and behold, there were little bits of partially digested roast beef sliding around on a sea of vomit in the aisle of the airplane.


    But goddamn their curly fries are yummy.

  3. you get what you deserve for ordering fast food 10 minutes before closing time.

    just be glad that your order didn’t include any special sauce.

  4. pleased with the works of his subject.

    The most powerful and favored warriors among these human worshippers of Chaos are called Champions, and are exceptionally powerful in battle. Among them, strength is authority, and so these Champions are also the leaders among their people. Such creatures are so potent and so mutated they can scarcely be called human any longer. They tend to wield massive weapons that a normal man would struggle to lift, and are clad in Chaos Armor that is bound to theirThe Age of Reckoning is ushered in as a Warhost of the god Tzeentch, the Changer of Ways, marches on the Empire. Leading this terrifying army of evil is a powerful Champion named Tchar’zanek.

  5. Orcs are the largest of the greenskin species. They are bigger,
    more aggressive, and more muscular than their smaller
    cousins, the Goblins, Hobgoblins, and tiny Snotlings. Orcs
    continue to grow throughout their lives and their skin darkens
    with age. The strongest and most powerful Orcs grow to become
    Black Orcs, marked by their increased size and darker skin.

    Orcs are not bright by any means, but they do possess an
    animalistic awareness of social structure. They are bullies who
    impose their will on anyone they think is weaker than they. There is

    nothing an Orc loves more than to fight. If they lack other opponents, they will fight amongst themselves. Such battles are always bloody affairs, for Orcs are fearsome foes, even when wounded. They feel no pain and fear nothing.

    An especially powerful Orc will rise to the top of his tribe by way of ruthless savagery and victory in personal combat. If he is able to defeat the current Warboss, he will assume that position. If he is especially strong-willed, the new Warboss may be able to lead the entire tribe into Waaagh! while still fending off challenges to his leadership from within.

    Orcs fight with primitive weapons that are little more than big chunks of scrap metal. They give these weapons such descriptive names as “choppas”, “bashas” and “smashas”, and they wield them with brutal strength

  6. Arby’s is alright, but there is simply just one thing that holds them back: NO HOT SAUCE.


    EVERY TIME I go to Arby’s I gotta make a pit stop at Taco Bell, walk in all nonchalant and nik a few of their hot sauces. Spray them babies all over your beef folds and bicky-bam you got yourself a quality piece of fast food.

  7. All abry’s aren’t 24/7? WTF! And I’m sorry but their roast beef is by far the best fast food choice, period end of story (the large roast beef).

  8. I went to an Arby’s drive through right near closing, like 15-10 till. Pull up to the box, “may I take your order” or whatever shit they say so I’m like “yea… just a sec” coz it’s hard to decide which piece of shit I want to eat that night. All of a sudden all the lights go out.

    I’m sure they think it’s hilarious… I wonder how hilarious it will be to clean up the feces smeared walls in the bathroom.

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