I’m The Juggernaut, Female Dog!

Speaking of Brett Ratner (and, sadly, not about what a fucking tool he is) and his lackluster filmmaking abilities (nevermind, I guess we are) there’s a brand-spankin’ new 7-minute clip of X-3 online over at the Dell website. Head on over and enjoy.

Oh, and the only review I’ve seen so far of the flick (sorry for the fatty link) says that it stinks. Not surprising, but I hold on to that last shred of hope.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Behrooz!I still think X3 will suck, but I’ll use one of my movie passes for this mutagenic shitfest.

  2. HmmTough call. The trailer makes it look like it could go either way and the first two movies cancel eachother out in my opinion. The first one mildly sucked while the second one was almost entertaining. 2 for $9 rental with The Hills Have Eyes…er some other shit….I don’t know.

  3. Holy pile of shit, Batman!It’s like Ratner will be personally rubbing his anus against every movie theater screen across the nation, and soon the world.

  4. huh?I’m still not getting how the conclusion that the movie will suck is being made. Everything I’ve seen it looks alright.Of course the movie could come out like crap. i just cant see how people are coming to the conclusion that it will.

  5. also…also, it will be a cold day in hell the day i take movie advice from aint-it-cool news.

  6. yahEspecially since that fat bastard and his sychophants are all frigging sell outs and complete whores to the industry.I thought he was a jackass when he was sneaking onto sets to publish pics and I think he’s a jackass now. His sites always wrong anyway; they weren’t great, but Resident Evil, Event Horizon, Mortal Kombat, and AVP were OK – but to hear the tubby shits opinion, you’d think anything by Anderson sucks worse than a Hoover vac.

  7. The Empire Strikes BackGeorge Lucas didn’t direct ‘The Empire Strikes Back’ or ‘Return of the Jedi’, althought he did do ‘A New Hope.’ Kind of funny since I don’t like IV as much as V and VI.X-Men 3 had a huge chance at being extremely awesome. Too bad it was squashed when Ratner took over.

  8. hahaI set you up for a slappin’ that one skam, but you still haven’t delivered two decent lucas flicks. I’ll give you a hint, I might accept Episode IV and American Graffiti, but it’s hard to argue as the films are quite obviously well conceived yet poorly directed. Poorly.

  9. Th…th…th….the DARK!!I haven’t actually completed the entire Star Wars series just yet, but I can honestly say I think they all suck…all of them. I think for a while there George Lucas had the potential to be a great director, I mean he worked with Francis Ford Coppola for a bunch of shit didnt he? That guy did Dracula! My theory is that huge neck/chin thing of his has taken over his brain and it seems to like really bad movies.As for Ratner, I didn’t know he did Event Horizon, that movie was cool when the guy gets sucked out the airlock. Other than that I guess his shit sucks too judging from what I’ve read in this thread. That rhymned.-jason420

  10. woops!Having checked my nearby copy of Event Horizon it has come to my attention that it was not directed by that Ratner guy, but rather Paul Anderson. I moistened my pant linings when that dead chick says \”FOREVER!\” lol

  11. LucasGeorgie boy has only ever been good in one capacity: as a concept man. The guy’s ideas weren’t even original, but he adapted them very very well and had some serious foresight (and/or luck) with the merchandising rights. Unfortunately he got caught up in his own legend and decided that he should write and direct the last few movies on his own, and not steal/adapt any decent ideas. Oh and skam, don’t be stupid. Spielberg directed all 3 Indy flicks.

  12. KubrickAs far as popular movies are concerned no one is better in my book than Stanley Kubrick. Every one of his movies are visionary and different in their own way (cept Barry Lyndon maybe, i hate that one).

  13. Barry LyndonJason420.Barry Lyndon was an important film in its own right. They shot the whole thing without one shred of artificial lighting….over months and months, just waiting for the right moment. They used prototype Zeiss lenses to enable filming by candlelight.The second half may be a lengthy watch, but it’s a classic film for different reasons and it is very faithful to the novel. In all aspects of film, other than being completely engaging, this film is a masterpiece. Cinematography like never seen before, art direction, costume design, and music all precise and perfect. Brilliant acting on the part of Ryan O’Neill. I’d never say it was in my top three Kubrick films, but it’s a movie to watch to enjoy the craft of film.Also, the wings in that clip looked fucking stupid. Kevin Smith put better wings together for Dogma, and acted as the puppeteer. Sometimes CG just isn’t the way that a director should go without thinking about it.

  14. KubrickWell put Cplus. What then would you say are your top 3 Kubrick films? Mine are probably,1. Dr. Strangelove2. Paths of Glory3. 2001: A Space OdysseyThose are some valid points you brought up in regards to Barry Lyndon, I guess I was just never a big fan of period peices.

  15. Kubrick?I’ll list my top four, it saves me from headaching about it.1. Dr. Strangelove2. A Clockwork Orange3. 20014. Paths of GloryA similar list, A Clockwork Orange is so high because it’s been a favourite since I was 14.

  16. life’s not fair. Brett Ratner could fuck up a lez scene starring Jessicas Biel and Alba; And yet that shitbag has done Serena Williams Doggy.

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