I’m Smooth Like ButtaAARRGH!

So I was driving down the street just a few minutes ago, windows rolled down because its so fucking hot out right now. I cruise up inbetween a little white car and some overly rank sanitation truck.

I look to the right, and the white car is filled with hotties. The driver sees me, I give a slight nod of acknowledgement. The girls in the back look over and smile. It’s a good California day, you know? Then the light turns green, I start to drive up to my turn, and I check over to the right. The driver and the side passenger are looking. So I’m about to flash them a smile when my left arm starts to give a funny tingle. I turn it over and I kid you not, the biggest fucking bee thing I’ve ever seen is now resting on my forearm.

“GAAAAAAAH!” I yelped, as I threw the thing out the window and simultaneously slammed on the clutch, making an excellent rev. I immediately realized my complete lack of slickness, while I batted at the somehow newly returned bee thing, which was now settling in my hair. After I tried to calmly brush him off my head (to save face, naturally) I looked back to the right to see the girls chuckling.

Thanks bee, for the humility.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. BUZZZZIt would of been funny if that bee made you crash into oncoming traffic and die. Bee-1, Sharky-dead.

  2. Hey, if nothing else…They’ll have a funny story to tell. And if you ever see them again, they’ll remember you in a good light, since you gave them a decent laugh.Unless they’re complete bitches and just laugh at you, in which case they aren’t worth the grease it’d take to roast them in hell anyway.

  3. I’m a Celica whoreif you still had your celica the bitches would’ve been sucking your dick as comfort instead of laughing at you.

  4. celica???You’ve got to be shitting me…. you love crappy celica’s??? The cars that have their paint suddenly seem to melt off of them? That’s bad….and sorry.

  5. WowWhat, did you read painstakingly through the archives to dig up the fact that I drove a Celica?

  6. A/C in Calihaha, i live in the central valley of cali and it’s around 103 right now and i dont have an a/c, i’m used to it.

  7. A/C in Calihaha, i live in the central valley of cali and it’s around 103 right now and i dont have an a/c, i’m used to it.

  8. YoSharkman, I’m in LA this week. I was down in Laguna near Irvine for a bit. Holla if you want to hook up for lunch or something.

  9. Pain……Bull-Shit Story…..The truth is those Hotties flipped you off and told you to go Fuck-yourself because you wouldn’t move that rental-car you were driving back to Mom’s house where you do your laundry. So you made up this story about the bee deal hoping we would feel sry for your sry Ass. If you really wanted to impress US, you should of RAMMED thier car then faked an injury to your arm.

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