I’m Keeping A Firm Grip On My Wallet, Bitch

So I guess Nintendo is releasing the next wave of Famicom Mini games for the GBA. The lineup is pretty interesting, to say the least. Take a look:

  • Famicom Mini Vol. 21 Super Mario Bros. 2
  • Famicom Mini Vol. 22 Nazo no Murasame
  • Famicom Mini Vol. 23 Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
  • Famicom Mini Vol. 24 Metroid
  • Famicom Mini Vol. 25 Palthena’s Mirror (Kid Icarus)
  • Famicom Mini Vol. 26 Shin Onigashima
  • Famicom Mini Vol. 27 Famicom Tantei Kurabu: Kieta Koukeisha
  • Famicom Mini Vol. 28 Famicom Tantei Kurabu II: Ushiro ni Tatsu Shoujo
  • Famicom Mini Vol. 29 Akumajou Dracula (Castlevania)
  • Famicom Mini Vol. 30 SD Gundam World: Gachapon Senshi Scramble Wars

OK, now Super Mario Bros 2 is the real Super Mario Bros. 2, not the fake one we got here in the states. So I’ve got nothing against that. But Metroid? We just had fucking Metroid: Zero Mission released a few months ago. Unless I’m a complete purist, why would I pay 20 bucks for the priveledge of playing this game yet again? Some fucking balls on this company. Goddamn them for throwing in Zelda 2, Castlevania, and Kid Icarus into the mix, otherwise I could spit on their company and remain completely alone on my high holy throne. Instead, I must be careful not to lose $60 on shit that I have free on emulators anyway.

Thank God that over half of this wave of retro shit is Japanese crap that I was never exposed to as a kid, otherwise my pants would have exploded in a glorious orgasm of wonton game lust. For one, I’d be none the richer, and secondly, my pants would be a wretched mess.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. cheapThey would make more money if they released them for like $10 each, and that’s a stretch. But for $20, that is bullshit.I just paid roughly $20 for MM1-7 plus 2 arcade games. Capcom knows how to do it..but then again…they don’t…take the GameCube ports of RE..$30-40 for a port..puh-lease.

  2. subIt must be difficult pretending to be cool when writing about games that are made for children. What do your adult peers think of your hobby?

  3. I’ll take this one…Hey asshat…When they came out, WE WERE CHILDREN!!Hence the whole re-release thing.tard

  4. Nine Inch Nails TendoI’d hit it. Kid Icarus rocks; and Zelda 2 is the best….Now if only they’d release it for the ORIGINAL Game Boy and not the GBA.

  5. mario 2what’s the \”real\” mario 2? i always thought the mario 2 i played as a kid was a great game if that one is some sort of fake imposter (and yes i’m aware that it was essentialy modified from some other japanese game).

  6. “real” mario 2It’s what the \”lost levels\” is on Super Mario All-Stars.Same graphics as SMB1, (well, on famicom anyway, they prettied them up for All-Stars) but different levels.

  7. Kid IcarusKid Icarus was the first game I recieved with my Nintendo on Christmas. That and Pro Wrestling….yeah, yeah, I know…

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