I’m Going To Start Up Ass-To-Mouth Donkey Feeding Services

[ Nose-To-Tail Petsitting Services ] – I randomly passed this guy in his truck today, and based on his seemingly unwitting innuendo of a business name, I had to check out his website. And I’m glad I did.

Just from a designer’s standpoint, I can deduce the following things at first glance:

  • His home system has 800×600 resolution, and he runs IE. Or perhaps AOL.
  • He designed this himself, or his woman did. That’s why the font is comic-sans and the whole thing looks like ass in Mozilla.
  • His business name still makes me chuckle, not to mention the logo.

Now, as it stands, he’s had 392 visitors to his website. Hopefully, I will change that. Now, I’m not trying to be a dick and flood him with shitheads, that would be mean. No no, my friends, I’m doing a public service to the Internet with this gesture. You see, I’m calling out on anyone in the Irvine/South OC area to hire this guy. Make him and his lady some extra cash. They seem like good people. That way, maybe the guy can afford to pay a college student 50 bucks for a layout that has line breaks, or proper usage of table columns/cells.

See, I’m helping local businesses prosper, in an attempt to clean up the internet. I’m like a humanitarian and a gigantic asshole all rolled into one. Now go visit the guy’s site, dickhead.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. haha.what a waste of the internet, seriously…who is going to actually use them for a web design project or whatever, do I smell a little similarity to the Nickelodian cartoon; cat dog? hm. *shrugs*

  2. darnni don’t know what i was thinking lol, i seriously can’t believe that.the site design sucks, sorry watching tv, talking to friends, and trying not to fall asleep all catch up when trying to comprehend something. err, my apologies. still a waste of interent.

  3. Visitor 2274The count has gone up almost 2000 since you posted this. Good luck to them I say. I am even thinking of starting up the same kind of business here so I can have access to peoples houses so I can discover their deep dark secrets and blackmail them all.

  4. SOC CouplesI bet they have one of those answering machines that says:James – \”This is James\”Julie – \”This is Julie\”Both – \”And we’re not home!\”

  5. I love you SharkeyIn a manly, quick-hug-2-pats-on-the-back-way. You give assholes everywhere something to strive for;.

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