I’m A Loner Dottie. A Rebel.

So it took awhile, but one of the lovely virii (of which there are hundreds daily) that have been fired at my main machine broke through the firewall borders and antivirus cannons and struck hard. Now with the lexan windows and super-trendy glowing lights and fans, my machine has effectively become the prettiest, most expensive, and least energy efficient dual monitor paperweight in the county. That, coupled with my lack of broadband at my place in HB, makes the inner Shark want to cry like Harry Knowles when the Sizzler’s all-you-can-eat buffet closes. Thankfully I can still make the twenty minute commute back to the old place with my laptop, so that I can once again browse in harmony.

The real bummer is on your hands, however, as the new slices for the next month or so are now trapped in virus Hell. So until I can get a free moment to cleanse the scourge of evil from my machine, you’ll have to make due by yourself. I know, it’s sad, but at least you can go play Solo’s Fuck/Marry/Kill game. It’s fun, especially if you even for one second let your pathetic mind beleive that you could ever possibly have a chance to do any of those three things to any woman on that list. Although for some, I wish you could accomplish the latter, but we all know that you wont. You big fucking pussy, your Daddy was right to run out on you when you were 4. Going out for milk, my ass.

Oh stop crying, you big baby. That’s why Daddy drank in the first place.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. On KillingName the person and the price and I’ll do the latter to any dumb broad on that site.P.S. I don’t work cheap.

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