I’m A Carton Of Hate!

Staying at the office until 12:30 in the morning sucks, but it can be worth it if you’re going to take off the next morning. What really sucks is when you don’t get to take off the next morning because the fucking client forgot to mention a very critical, albeit only five minute, change to the system.

However, all of the aforementioned suck pales in comparison to my situation. And that is coming into the office to make that minor change, only to lose all internet connectivity and suddenly becoming unable to finish said five minute job in a fucking hour. And since the deadline is today, and this thing must be tested, I must sit my ass here and wait. That, or I could try to ssh into the server and make the changes with my sidekick, which would take an eternity. Or, I guess I could go next door and drink myself retarded, which doesn’t look like a bad option at this point.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Wow.I guess some people do really get into the dairy products gone bad. Here I thought I was the only one with their T-shirts….er….why are you all looking at me like that?

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