If You Hate Fried Chicken, Get Out Of My Country, Commie.

[ Buy One 3-Piece Meal, Get One Free ] (stolen from el forum, but since it’s my forum, I can do that.)

I know the commentary’s been a little lacking lately, what with all the short, one-or-two-paragraph posts and such. So I’m going to do you a favor.

Welcome to paragraph three. Congratulations. Seriously though, I’ve been busy as a former African-American football hero after slitting two people’s throats on the way to a KFC dinner these past few weeks. I barely have any time to hate my fellow man, let alone sit down and put to text exactly why I hate the scumsuckers. I’m working on stuff for the site though, so at least you won’t feel too unloved once it is unveiled. Until then, why don’t you numb yourself with some pie and ice cream while I get back into the groove.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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