1. agree with touborgwhy on earth do we need to keep vials of the bubonic plague to begin with?! that just seems stupid to me…

  2. touborgUhh, you guys keep that shit around so that you can develop a cure for it. There are all kinds of lethal viri at CDC locations around the country.

  3. My TerritoryThis is in my hometown, and I just barely heard about it today (Wednesday). Oh, well, if they had got out, I’m sure I would have crawled to my computer and warned you guys while I was puking blood everywhere.

  4. Bubonic PlagueCalm the fuck down, pussies. It’s not as if the bubonic plague can’t be treated. Hell, there are three antibiotics alone that I can name off the top of my head that work against it. And because of its rarity, it is unlikely that the bacteria will develop an immunity to these antibiotics. Furthermore, unlike some bacteria and most viruses, the plague bacterium can not be casually communicated from one person to another. We need a courier, in the form of a flea. So, if a terrorist were to contaminate some people by some other method, such as an extremely concentrated aerosol dosage, which is unlikely, the infection would likely stop there as a result of proper treatment and the difficulties of transmission. In less affluent populations, this may not be the case. However, there is still extremely little risk of a major outbreak. You have more to worry about from the fucking flu, guys.

  5. hell yeahhehe, bubonic….BUBonic…BooB-onic…hehe, that shit’s overrated. what did you think, that the towelmonkeys got ahold of it? i agree, relax a bit and just worry ’bout the flu. and the herpes… you know who you are.

  6. yeah dont worryyeah i heard on radio about same story, the chances of you dying because of the plague, if you live in somewhere besides the middle of nowhere, is like many thousand to one.

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