Idiocy Knows No Age Or Religion

Hoo boy, we’ve got a couple of real prize winners today. First up is a granny who reached for a bottle of eyedrops and accidentally superglued her eyes shut.

The 78-year-old Wurtulla resident was defrosting the fridge when her eyes started watering and she reached for a bottle of allergy eye drops.

But instead of grabbing the medicated drops she got Loctite 401 instant glue. The powerful adhesive was being kept in the fridge to avoid heat damage.

“That second my eyes were glued shut and I realised the glue was next to the drops in the fridge,” Mrs Horder said.

I like that the husband’s first idea of trouble came when his wife stopped bitching. He probably wishes the old bat would superglue her eyes shut more often, so that he can enjoy Judge Judy in peace. Which, by the way, is your future. Invest in a gun.

So if we follow the old axiom of age before beauty, we’re in for a little beauty. And this fucking story? Terribly beautiful. But that’s what you get when you cross an Amish with a downed power line.

A 17-year-old Amish boy was electrocuted trying to remove a power line that got tangled in his horse-drawn buggy’s wheels, authorities said.

The boy drove over a power line Tuesday that had sagged down within a foot of the road after separating from a pole, authorities said.

The line got stuck in the wheels and stopped the buggy. The boy got out and grabbed the 4,800-volt line in an attempt to remove it from the wheels, the Geauga County Sheriff’s office said. He died at the scene.

I feel like a right bastard for laughing at this, but come on. Shunning technology, I can understand. But for crap’s sake, if you’re going to shield your children from the blight that is electricity, you might want to let them know that it’s dangerous to more than their immortal soul. I leave you with the last quote of the article, just to chew on:

The horse pulling the buggy was not injured.

Of course not! My nigga Clip-Clop knows not to touch a goddamned power line!

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Well DuhIt is amazing that animals can know all the stuff they do. They know when a danger is present way before any of us stupid humans, I mean when was the last time that an animal got put up on this or any site for being as stupid as us humans.

  2. AnimalsNote that during the Indonesian tsunami all the animals cleared to higher ground to survive. Most people killed were the jackasses staring at the wave as it came in 10′ over them. They only started running as the water reached them.

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