I Would Never Use It, But I Want One

Ever heard of a “bumpkey?” A lot of you probably have at this point, but the rest of you might want to check out this video. It’s basically a filed down key that you bump with a slight bit of force, and it pops open a wide majority of locks. Pretty neat stuff, I suggest you start stealing from your neighbors and sending me a 10% cut for turning you on to this amazing technology.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. cool stuffI’ve been messing with bump keys for the last year or so. They’re pretty cool. Much better than jigglers.

  2. This is mostly BSI’ve been locksmithing for almost 14 years now. While you might be able to manipulate some cheap locks by bumping them, there are simpler ways to bypass locks than carrying a pocketful of keys and a rubber mallet around with you. bob_hits, this would only work with pin tumbler locks (most househouse/commercial locks) and the sucess rate would be very low. Wafer locks (such as those in current generation automobiles) would be unaffected. Pin Tumbler auto lock went the way of the Dodo in the late 80’s and by then only Ford was still using them. And this \”method\” wouldn’t have worked on them.Oh and if a cop finds a mallet and a few cut keys in your possession it’s considered a crime in most of the USA, so live it up, lol.

  3. jadeheartyou make me sad. i get excited about lockpicking and you go and ruin my fun. and malign my love of the germans.you know what, screw you and your douchebaggery!

  4. don’t cryI really hate to see a fifth grader cry so let me share the best instrument to open more home locks as quickly as if you used a key. It’s call a set of Channel Lock Pliers. Of course the lock is shot to hell, but who cares, you’re breaking into the place anyway. It’s quiet, smaller than a rubber mallet, and works on all knobs. When faced with a deadbolt I suggest a crowbar. Of course you could just break a window and crawl in. Maybe ram it with your car. Lol, maybe head butt the door like the Foster’s beer commercial. \”LOCKSMITH!!!\”

  5. -sniffle-i guess that’s okay. but i wanted to not hurt the lock so it doesn’t look like a breaking and entry deal. so that way the poor germans are screwed! well. or americans. they said something about insurance companies. but i was only half paying attention by that point.also, i’ll have you know, i’m in sixth grade!

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