I Was Gonna Buy One Anyway

Something tells me that this isn’t exactly their target audience, but it’s a funny ad nonetheless. Doesn’t hurt that the chick is smokin’ hot to boot. Although since it is a European ad, you can only imagine what’s going on inside her mouth.

Was that a euphamism? I said it, and even I’m uncertain.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Advertising that works!If I knew where to find one, I’d buy it right now.That ad company deserves an award.

  2. InterestingHere in the US, Nintendo has a childish image. I wish they would start getting more adult-oriented games for their products. I’m a big boy, I don’t need Kirby’s Dream Land anymore.Smart move. I like it.

  3. another pichttp://www.nintendo-europe.com/gameboyadvancesp/style/download/1024×768/gbasp_wallpaper3.jpgis another good one, gotta love side boobies

  4. kirby?kirby? damn, they haven’t made that in years. as for adult games… well, they’re games. you want adult, go watch a porno. point of a game is to be fun – not to be filled with titties or blood, right? besides, you’re not an adult, you’re a big boy. No adult game for you!!

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