I Want To Play The Colecovision Smurfs!

Wow, some people have way too much time on their hands. And I envy the product of their respective nerdiness, especially in the case of the Top 10 Strangest Console Mods.

I’ll cut to the chase for those of you who don’t feel like clickin’, the portable PS2 was the numero uno on the list. While technologically impressive, I was more dazzled by the work put into the others, such as the Dreamcast and NES mods. Oh well.

I don’t know why Nintendo has never thought to sell the rights to make a portable NES to some entrepreneurial little company, just to dig into that barrel of nostalgic goodwill. Probably because the fuckers want to rerelease every game for $20 on the GBA, or get me to buy the ROM on the Wii. Fuckers.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. YayHe glued a controller and a portable ps2 screen to a slim PS2 using a pack of batteries. Whoopty fucking shit.The rest are awesome. They took some creativity, and I like ’em.

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