I Told U I Was Hardcore

Well over the last week, I managed to pull off a minor miracle. I actually made my PSP useful again.

Did I buy a kickass title, like GTA: Vice City Stories? Nah. I’ll wait for the PS2 version, if I play it at all. No my friends, I finally did the unimaginable. I got it to play emulators again, without detailed instructions (and all of the necessary files) from Bongweasel.

I’m a big boy!

Now I’m running SNES games, Neo Geo CD, MAME, and most amazingly, Playstation 1 titles. I’ve been playing Suikoden for the past four days, and it has convinced me that poppa needs one of those 4 gig memory sticks to hold other such excellence. Getting your PSP to run the firmware necessary to play (legal, right?) PS1 titles is not the most simplistic process on Earth, but it’s hardly rocket science. You simply get your poor Sony-forced ass a the appropriate downgrader (or if you’re like my poor cousin with the brickable PSP, get this one instead) and… you know… follow the very complicated instructions.

Do that? Good. You’re very efficient, like the Indians or the Japanese, but without a noticeable smell or scatalogical fetish. Now what you want to do is upgrade to the custom Dark_Alex 3.02-A firmware. I will take a piss while you accomplish this task.

Done? Great. Good. Now go ahead and upgrade that firmware version to the newer, sexier 3.02-B counterpart, which should be the shortest part of the whole process. You should have done it while you were reading this, that’s how fast it should have been for someone with your speed and skill.

Now after all of that nonsense, you’re probably going to want to pirate some PS1 games. And by pirate, I mean rip the ISOs legally from a copy of the game that you own, and then throw it into the trashcan along with your receipt just so that this whole thing will be flagrantly disrespectful of copyright laws. First things first you scallywag, go ahead and download Popstation. Secondly, you’re going to need a copy of the Hot Shots Golf 2 EBOOT files or whatever (it comes with some other shit too) which apparently you can buy off of the PS3 Store. …or, you can go ahead and download it from fucking Bittorrent, because who wants to pay for fucking Hot Shots Golf 2?

After that, you should be able to figure out the rest on your own. I did, and I was torched like a Christmas morning electrical fire when I upgraded mine. Post any ideas for future PS1 game usage, because I’m going to be done with Suikoden before the first of you actually does all of this shit and joins me in PSP-usefulness bliss.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. SuikodenGood to know I’m not the only one who loved that game way more than I should’ve. I mean, the graphics were eh, the story was trite, and 85% of the 108 characters were useless. But fuck, I loved that game.

  2. If only I could…I, unfortunately, am stuck with 3.0 firmware, with which I cannot install the custom firmaware. (I did it so I see all 2 seconds worth of integration with my PS3….which was total crap). I’ve been keeping a close eye, hoping for some breakthrough that might allow me to install this, but I may just have to break down and install the Undiluted Platinum chip…

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