i swear to god..

If just one more person starts talking about The Da Vinci Code, I’m taking a fucking baseball bat to some motherfucker’s kneecaps. Hard. Okay, that’s all for now.


  1. Angels & DemonsBrewboy in the forums advised the two books by Dan Brown in this series to me. I started reading Angels & Demons and I love it. I’ll be reading The Da Vinci Code immediately following this one. Did you hear that Dan Brown is a research machine?! He fucking packs the books full of facts. You must not like the books because of your low IQ. Sorry bud, no mensa for you.

  2. Holy shit…I haven’t done any reading in years, then all of a sudden I read two really good books and recommend them to other people, and *WHAMMO!!* Notoriety ensues!!*snicker*

  3. ActuallyI bought \”The Da Vinchi Code\” at the air port today. Only a few chapters in but the book rocks so far.

  4. Eh?Angels and Demons was the baddest ass book I’ve ever read, but none of Dan Brown’s other books really appealed to me. But the Da Vinchi Code sounds good, I’ll check it out. HAHAHAHAHA, you unknowingly recommended it to me!! Tool! Err, yah.

  5. ehim just sick of people talking about it and trying to act smart. its such a coffee shop conversation piece. i hate that shit. if you read it, keep that shit to yourself, cuz i dont wanna hear how smart you think you are for reading it.hi swordboarder…long time no see. suck a fart outta my ass, fucker.

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