I Soaked Up Hyrule Like A Sponge…

Consumed by Zelda. Send help.

Oh, and don’t see Dreamcatcher. It’s worse than going rubber-less in a Tiajuana whorehouse.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. mm hmmI concur, I would rather have my tonails pokes with hot rusty needles, then pulles out with flaming pliers rather than see that piece of ‘cinecrap’ again.

  2. zeldagreatest. game. ever.no seriously i think it might be one of the greatest games ever. i’ve been playing nonstop since tuesday.

  3. just amazingThat freakin Leaf thing took me a while though, I was in the right damn place… Can’t tell you how much screaming has been done at my TV in the last 48 hours.

  4. Zelda..AmazingI agree, it has to be one of the best games ever, the animation/graphics are so fluid its crazy…bosses are wicked..

  5. ZeldaYah, the last battle with Gannon was really something, I was suprised by the fact that Zelda actually lifted a finger to help out for once.

  6. damn i miss nintendoi love my ps2 but zelda mario metroid smash bros… list goes on and on..

  7. Your crazy SharkyI thought Dreamcatcher was great. Maybe you have to be a big Stephen King fan to enjoy it. The book was a lot better though. I guess it always works that way.

  8. hehThe Animatrix short was great artwork, but kinda weak on the story.And to reiterate. Dreamcatcher blew so many degrees of donkey dick.

  9. I couldn’t agree moreZelda has me up nights. It is utterly genious. First Metroid and now Zelda! God Bless you, Nintendo!

  10. ZELDAWhat Zelda are we talking about here?, do you mean the one thats got pixel shading, the one that has to do with boats?, cus i didnt find it that great.

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