I Play Da Ukelele, Bitch!

Currently, I am trying to keep myself inebriated to the point where my insomnia kicks in. This is because in five hours, I will be at LAX, getting ready to head to Hawaii.

I’ve never been, but I’m stoked. I’m going with Bolt, Killbot, and a hot girl. The hot girl being Bolt’s… something. So I guess I’m basically going with Killbot. THATS RIGHT KILLBOT, IM MAVERICK AND YOURE ICEMAN. BULLSHIT, YOU CAN BE MY WINGMAN!


While I would appreciate if other writers would… well, I guess write. But thankfully, I have m’ Sidekick. I’ll continue to post. I gotta go though, booze is a callin’.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. killbotits the other way around, cap’n. And just so you know, I’m not looking for anything serious, and I think he’s cool with that.

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