I Mosh For Jesus

[ “Do The Jew” Is My Personal Favorite ]

By the third day of Creation East, the granddaddy of Christian rock festivals, Dave Lula could pick a winner among the merchandise he was selling. It was a $12 T-shirt of his own design that said “I Mosh for Jesus.” The crowd was young, Mr. Lula figured, and this appealed to their sense of humor and independence.

T-shirts screamed or punned for attention. One shirt declared, “Body Piercing Saved My Life,” and showed a hand with a nail through it. Other brisk-sellers said “Jesus Freak” or mimicked the Mountain Dew advertising logo, tweaking the slogan to read, “Do the Jew,” meaning to emulate Jesus. Booths promoted Christian colleges, foreign missions and a DVD player that skips over racy material in movies.

The body piercing one got me to chuckle as well. Good for them.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. dvdplayerThe racy parts are the best part of movies! So say I get a dvd of Bad Boys 2..it’ll skip over the nudity parts? But oh, I guess all the violence is okay to watch.Stupid hypocrites.

  2. What happens if you put in a porn? Does it show the twenty seconds of intermittent dialogue and then just stop?

  3. When do we get the opposite?I want a DVD player that only plays the racy scenes, so when I rent some chick flick to see the hot starlet naked, I don’t have to listen to long pontification about what it means to be a human and how people are supposed to relate.

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