1. no way.Back when we first heard about a new Transformers movie, me and some co-workers had very specific, but not unrealistic, requirements for our viewing enjoyment. 1, Bumblebee is a beetle, not a new beetle, but a classic one. 2, Optimus is a cab over Mack truck.Since both of these requirements haven’t made it to the final film, we have washed our hands of this, and will all enjoy IDWs new Infiltration and Stormbringer series’ instead.

  2. You WANKERS!\”…we have washed our hands of this…\”For fuck’s sake, it could be worse, they could have used the vintage 60s era Beetle, but they wouldn’t have had the budgetary assistance that GM, Ford, and Saleen are kicking out. Remember how shitty the pictures were of that never released Roger Corman version of Fantastic Four looked? There’s nothing worse than an UNDERSUPPORTED/UNDERFINANCED picture. The real \”Oh Shit\” would be if the transform fx looked like shit cranked out in a college dorm using a version of Lightwave circa 1993. Who really *cares* if the truck is not a cab-over Mack? Okay, the flames looks a little…um….odd. How many working trucks like that do you see \”pimped\”? Not exactly a \”Robot In Disguise\” now is it? All the ones I see working are dirty, and mostly mono-colored. Aren’t these things supposed to be battle-hardend \”warriors\”? The only bye I’d give would be the Bumblebee thingy because the kid pimps it out after picking it up in a wrecking yard. However,turning a ’68 Camero into the ’08 Saleen Camero is a bit of a stretch, even in the Hollywood suspension of disbelief world. As we come closer to the one year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina’s reign of distruction over the Gulf Coast, there’s only one thing to remember…Han shot first. RESPEKT.

  3. Pussy.HSOK, you fucking twat. I know you’ll see this damned movie when it comes out, along with countless others who probably will bash this movie since it’s not staying true to the 20+ year old story line. Get off you high horse and stop pissing on things before they even have a chance to prove themselves from more than a teaser trailer and leaked photographs.Let me just reiterate:You’re going to see huge ass robots fuck eachother up AND get to see America’s huge aresenal of weapons unleashed in ways that only live in your dreams.Things will go boom.And you will love it.

  4. paying to see movies in theaters?It might be worth watching when it comes on TBS a few years later. Shelling out cash to watch another stupid action movie…without Arnold staring in it. I’ll pass.

  5. Ahh, come onE…no E….who gives a shit? Let him put the E on it, it’s a fuckng Camaro. At least it’ll give it some character. Every Tom, Dick, and Steve with a molester moustache in the 80’s had/has one. The new Mustang is way cooler anyway….and I’m not even a Ford guy.GM is gonna be Nissan in a few, then the camaro is gonna be called Shinto or some bullshit. Actually, they should rebadge it…Le Car. heh heh

  6. Mmm…ChallengerYeah, the concept Challenger is real nice. Definitely in my \”things to buy with f-you money\” list. Wish me luck getting that one through on the wife.I didn’t realize it, but I guess my Le Car comment is showing my age.I gotta Transformer’s type question. Which Megatron are we going to see? The gun (with the barrel that never stayed up) or the other thing that I can’t remember what it was. Wasn’t that a laser gun too, of some sort?Just wondering.

  7. Although…They wanted bumblebee to be a beetle but VW refuse to have their cars in films associated with war (World War guilt thing). So you can’t blame em for that.Though the flames on Prime look retarded and the robot modes look like Bionicles – but hey – -see what the final thing looks like I guess.

  8. V-Dub Silver’s last comment that Volkswagen didn’t want a thier car used in a war movie made me think back to a bit that Phil Hendrie did a few years ago. A hippie from Marin County wants everyone to think of the \”good\” things that Hitler did the for world…like giving us the Volkswagen. If it wasn’t for the Bettle and the VW bus, hippies wouldn’t have had a way to get from protest to protest.

  9. nissanWhat’s with the nissan attack? They’ve probally the one of the most interesting car makers left. Ford wishes they were nissan!Oh and the new mustang is an interesting car. I’ll take the new camero on looks any day

  10. You’re right Bob….Ford and GM both wish they were Nissan….actually, one of them probably will be in a few months. Nissan, Toyota, and Honda got it right. I don’t know all that about the germans not wanting VW in a war movie. That sounds a little like reaching to me. I’ve never heard anything about being embarrassed about having \”The People’s Car\” in war movies or shit like that. I prefer to think that GM was willing to offer more money for the product placement than VW was. That makes a lot more sense to me.Who knows, they might change it 10 more times before the movie gets released. It’s all CG, they can do anything with it they want at any time before the release…..like change them all to Go-Bots…..I shudder at that thought.

  11. jesus fucking christHave you seen what the fuck they did to Megatron? Prime and Bumblebee are fucking direct rips from the cartoon compared to how bad they fucked him up. For those that don’t know what I am talking about:http://www.filmwad.com/first-pics-of-megatron-946-p.htmlFuck Michael Bay. If you watched Transformers as a kid, how can you like this? It might be good if it had NOTHING to do with transformers but this is just fucking getting stupid. I can’t imagine the shitty story that will follow this clusterfuck.

  12. thestatic is an idioti can’t believe you’re bitching about megatron not being a gun. i love the cartoon, but most of the characters don’t translate well to the bigscreen. some major changes had to be made, and i think the new version of megatron looks pretty badass.

  13. theman should be punched in his man pleaserYea. There is not a chance in hell that a gun could possibly be pulled off in a movie. I mean, it would have to probably fire some sort of ammunition and be held by somebody. That is just fucking stretching it. I doubt we will see that kind of technology on the extremely limited set of a movie. Now 50 foot tall transforming big rigs and helicopters, that’s totally different. I seem to remember there being no problem and it already translated to the big screen. It was called Transformers the Movie. If you want to fuck with the source material, don’t try to pass if off as original transformers. And people can bitch about whatever we want. If you don’t like that, you can:1)get over it2)cry like a fucking baby and get over it

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