
What the fuck?

What the fuck?

No really, What the fuck?

I got a million wierd little links in my inbox yesterday, these are just some of the less “work safe” ones. Nice that I let you know that after you’ve clicked on them, right? And seriously, why is the author of that last set of links allowed to roam freely, let alone run what seems to be a vacation rental resort? That’s just asking for trouble on a Psycho / I Still Know What You Did Last Summer kind of level. Not only are chicks going to get slaughtered in the shower, but you’ll have Brandy roaming around showcasing her talents, or lack thereof. And if that isn’t enough to make you keep your dead mother’s body in a room and become a cross-dresser, I don’t know what is.

…Carry on.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. que???Well then. Lovely. NOW I have seen it all. Hmmm…pretty damn disturbing. And on top of all that they couldnt even check to see if they edited their html correctly.Man I feel bad that you get this kind of crap in your email.

  2. okay then…I’m not sorry in the least that Sharkey gets those emails. If he didn’t get them – where would I get them? Most likely I wouldn’t because I’m too lazy to go looking for weird web content all day. Although I didn’t know they made an \”HTML for Hippies\”. Huh.

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