How The Mighty Have Fallen

Sorry, but the Spidey-chopper has a weight limit, tubby.“Spider-Man” Robs Comic Book Shop

You have to see the video on this one. This lil’ fanboy grew himself a pretty hefty pair.

A robber wearing a Spider-Man mask was caught on surveillance video Tuesday stealing a set of rare comics from a store in Culver City, Calif. Among the issues stolen were Fantastic Four #1, X-Men #1, and the comic in which Spidey first appeared, Amazing Fantasy #15, valued at around $2,500 an issue.

The man walked into the shop around 11:30 a.m., but store employees thought nothing of a customer dressed in partial costume, reports KCBS-TV’s Suzie Suh.

“He’s wearing a Spider-Man mask, he must like super-heroes,” said Alan Gardner of Dream World Comic Books.

While browsing the store, the man took out a hammer a smashed a glass display case housing some of the store’s more expensive items. The villain grabbed several comics and fled on foot.

Maybe he shot his web fluid inside some little Mary Jane and now he’s gotta support his eggs. With great power comes great responsiblity, or so I hear.

God, I’m so sorry I typed that.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


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