Honest Mistake

What kind of parents must you be for your 16-year-old son to misinterpret you screwing your wife as abuse? Not only that, but abuse horrifying enough to put a bullet in you?

“During the course of love making, the wife was evidently being somewhat loud … loud enough to where it woke the children up,” Harris County Sheriff’s Department Sgt. Mike Smith told Local 2.

“The children interpreted the noise as their mother being in danger,” Smith said. “The 11-year-old went into the room, forcibly went into the room, to protect his mother. (The child) observed his parents making love and got the 16-year-old. The 16-year-old came back in and fired the shot.”

Officials said the children feared their mother was being hurt due to their father’s previous convictions for abuse and that is the reason the oldest son shot his father.

OK, something else is going on here. I’m guessing that we’ve got four possible explanations for these shenanigans:

  1. He’s a 16-year-old with no idea what sex is, or what it looks like. He’s never seen porn, never imagined what he could do with his wang, and never touched himself. So yeah, this theory is pretty much out the window.
  2. The kid spent a lot of time at Neverland Ranch as a child.
  3. The mom is into some really messed up pillow talk.
  4. The kid is retarded.
  5. The sex was really dirty. Like my kind of dirty.
  6. Surprise anal. See above.
  7. Midgets.
  8. I can’t count, and I refuse to learn.

I’m guessing a little bit of #3 and #5, with a hint of #4.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Hot damn!Damn, that’s a good excuse to get to off your father… kid may indeed not be the dullest tool in the shed. If he was younger though it’d be like when you were a kid and went to the zoo, \”Mommy, mommy! those kangaroos are killing eachother!\”

  2. Honestly…If I hated my old man, which I do, and I had to listen to him putting the pipe to anyone, let alone thinking about my mother, I’d shoot the bastard. Call it whatever you want, but damn if that ain’t a perfect excuse.

  3. RapeSo what most likly was up with this, daddy man raped his kids, or the two are just stupid and dont know what sex is, I have heard of couples that cant figure out why they cant have kids because they didnt know anything about sex. These people were more the likly home schooled, and had prued parents, wouldnt doubt it in this case

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