Home Depot Shoppers Find Drugs

And. You’re. An. Idiot. (Thanks BazookaDave)

A contractor late last week discovered two 50-pound “bricks” of marijuana wrapped in plastic bags inside a bathroom vanity he had purchased at a Home Depot store in Tewksbury, said Chief of Detectives Lt. Dennis Peterson.

The estimated street value of the marijuana is around $145,000, Peterson said.

Similar incidents have occurred in other parts of the state. A plumber purchased a vanity in western Massachusetts on Monday in which he later found 3 kilograms of cocaine and around 40 pounds of marijuana, with a total estimated street value of $250,000, according to the Southwick Police Department.

There’s no way… no way possible that those fuckers didn’t take a nice afternoon to themselves prior to calling the police. Say, a nice afternoon where they stashed/sold a new car’s worth of their “findings” before they remembered the numer for 911.

Anyone want to have a nice little Saturday? Hit up the Home Depot?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. coolThe second he crammed all those crabs in his mouth I was in stitches! I even watched the loop three times. The graphics and the song kicked ass too 🙂 Nice work

  2. I’M FURIOUS ABOUT THISWHAT THE FUCK! someone go cock smack these people immediately! sell it, smoke it, but jesus, don’t call the fucking COPS! ARGH. it’s like i’m an etheopian child, starving, and this fat white motherfucker finds an all you can eat buffet and levels it with a crane…i mean…not exactly, but you see where i’m going with this analogy.

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