Holy Shit!

[ Karma Gets A Little Rough With This Guy ] (totally forgot to give props to Bongweasel for sending me this)

I guarantee, if you’re not squeamish, you will watch this again and again. If only to figure out what the fuck was happening. I’ll have to call you back, some serious shit just happened.

https://www.littlemidgets.com/downloadsnew/sub_1631.wmv (direct download)

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. hahahahaha, that fucking douchedick deserved it. fucking tool thinking its funny to hit some innocent kid on a bike with his car door. thats kharma right there, 1 and a half tons of beautiful FORD kharma.

  2. Yarr.Yeah, I’m sorry man, when you’re just being a big fucking dick and trying to hit pedestrians with your car door, you fucking deserve it. I hope he LIVED through that shit with a mangled-ass face and a paralyzed, respirator-needing wreck of a body. Fuck him.

  3. Chances of surviving…zero. There is just no fucking way that kid lived. No FUCKING way at all. If falling off a ladder and landing on your head will kill you, then falling out of a car going 30 mph and using your head to stop all of your forward motion might have the same fatal effect. I’m not a doctor but I’m willing to bet that if his brain didn’t turn to mush on impact, the fact that the number of vertebrae in his neck just tripled might put a damper on any future pranks this kid might attempt. Holy shit, maybe all those stories our parents told us were ture. Maybe this shit really does happen.Crazy…

  4. dead?I’m assuming that kid is dead. I don’t find the video funny, it’s actually pretty horrifying. But on the other hand, don’t be an asshole and harass people on bikes. Someone threw a pop at me when I was on my bike last summer.. not cool.

  5. re: dead?I agree with The Dose, it really isn’t funny, and the poor bastards in the on-coming car probably don’t think so either. I am wondering why the kids on the bike were still in the path of the on-coming car.

  6. The car looked parkedLooked like a parked car to me. And about him being dead and all… One less asshole in the world.

  7. he’s deadYeah, i saw this on another forum, and someone posted a reply saying that it happened near where they lived and it was in the news. And yup the kid died, but after watching the video that should come as no suprise. fuckin moron…natural selection

  8. Spplaaatcch! His head a-splode! the kid on the bike should’ve pissed in the wide ass open skull of that asshair.

  9. this isnt funnyHow can you people think KIDS dying is funny? I dont think that video was funny at all, i think it was one of the most horrible things i have ever seen in my life. I feel bad for the people that hit him, and all of this friends that were in the car, and probably watched their friend die right in front of them. But i do agree that he shouldnt have hit that other kid on the bike, but i dont think death is equally as bad as that, and you guys shouldnt joke about it.

  10. Is he really?Damnit I want to know. Like I said before, I seriously doubt he survived, but I pray that I am wrong. This shit isn’t funny, and anyone saying he deserved it needs to take some time to talk with a therapist because you have serious issues. Maybe if he was chunking newborns out the window then that would be different. But an innocent prank is not justification for the termination of someone’s life.

  11. He’s luckyIf that car wasn’t parked – his head would’ve come right off. This is why parents tell you these things…keep your fucking seat belt on and don’t open doors in a car while in motion !! It’s just like when kids play around trains…sooner or later..there goes a limb or a life.

  12. Toothless? No way his grille made it. If he’s not gimped that is. The cockwarts filmed it for attention and they sure as hell got it.

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