Excuse Me Aunt Jemima, Men Are Speaking

Fuck me up and down, how have these Short Circuit 2 redubbings not received more attention?

Now comes the time, dear reader, for you to watch the rest. Which you will, or I’ll fucking cut you.

Episode II
Episode III
Episode IV
Episode V

You can thank Bongweasel, like I did, for bringing this to our attention. Hopefully the bastard (not Bongy) does his best with the rest of that brilliant Canadian-filmed flick and we can all enjoy it in its entirety. Especially the part where Johnny Five will eventually try to straighten out his obviously not-an-Indian gay Indian (played masterfully by Fischer Stevens) friend by his magical use of the power of the billboard. Your mother sleeps with my dog, fuckers.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


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