Hocus Pocus, Fuckyoumagocus

*raises eyebrow*

A Washington state school district is canceling its annual Halloween celebration, and the explanation has some parents baffled.

The district said Halloween celebrations and children dressed in Halloween costumes might be offensive to real witches.

“Witches with pointy noses and things like that are not respective symbols of the Wiccan religion and so we want to be respectful of that,” Hansen said.

In the words of my friend Jesse: “Fuck Wiccans.”

I don’t think there’s much more that can be said.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. jesus h….Just because some fat slob of a hippy wiccan bitch gets knocked up from some homless bum and has to bring her awful \”soon to be in a schoolroom with a loaded automatic weapon and a trenchcoat\” kid to the school and is offended the rest of the kids can’t dress up? fuck wiccans is right.

  2. blow meim 21 years old, and im a guy. ive been wiccan for 3 years, along with my whole family. its 100x better than christianity or any other shitty ass religion based around jesus, the bible, or the koran.i do think its lame as hell that they canceled halloween, wiccans shouldnt be offended by it.heh

  3. how about you shut upif it were any other religion, i would have said the same thing. so again, fuck wiccans, and those who pander to ’em.

  4. Seriously WTFThis country is getting way over PC. As it was said numerous times. Fuck Wiccans. And fuck being ‘PC’. Jesus aged christ this is ridiculous.

  5. Wait a minute….When the hell did \”wicca\” become a religion? Sharkey, dude, did I miss that memo? I thought it was just for skanky bitches like Neve Campbell?

  6. nothing newWhen I was in elementary school in Iowa, our school district prohibited us from dressing up as anything politically incorrect. This included witches, hobos, ghosts, goblins, hunchbacks, farmers, policemen, firemen, and pretty much everything else we could think of. It made the New York Times, and since then the superintendent hasn’t fucked with political incorrectitude.

  7. Why not….get together with a bunch of friends and each dresses up as some stereotypical ethnic group or religion? That way they can’t fuck you cuz you could always say you were promoting global unity. And why can’t kids just dress up and claim First Amendment violation if they get sent home? I can’t believe how absolutely fucking retarded liberal and politically correct groups have to flip out and cry until everyone is sheltered into absolute idiocy. Oh wait, that’s already happened.

  8. New ReligionLet’s start a church of Superman. Maybe a few thousand years from now, after we’ve blown ourselves to shit, our descendants will believe that we worshipped a man who could fly, shoot lasers out of his eyes, and freeze lakes with but a single breath.It it any much stranger than believing in a man who could walk on water, heal the blind, and turn water into wine with a wave of his hand?

  9. What?That’s absurd! My brother is Wiccan and he does treat it as a very special holiday, but all that means is that he buys more expensive costumes, he doesn’t seem to care if people dress up as witches. Oh, and for the wiccans insulted by people dressing up as witches. Study up wiccan !==! witch

  10. …right.number one, that’s just fucking stupid.number two, wicca is not a legitimate religion. not that anyone here would really give a shit except the people who’ve proclaimed to be wiccans, wicca was founded by a man called gerald gardner under the tutelage of aleister crowley in order to keep simple-minded folks out of his secret society, the ordo templi orientis. it is essentially a trap for idiots who feel like dabbling in the occult. it has no connection whatsoever to any sort of \”old world paganism\” beyond archetypal symbols stolen from various cultures. you might as well just tack a baseball cap up on a wall and pray to that if you think wicca is something authentic.

  11. WellWe certainly have some good points made by our wiccan-friendly mofos, I assume. I really didn’t bother to read, I’m too drunk and they’re too fucking long-winded.

  12. witchesThe whole problem is that for some reason Wiccans decided that they want to be called witches. \”Witch\” started out refering to someone who worshiped the devil and used magic powers. What that has to do with Wicca I have no idea, most likely Wiccans started using the word to get attention. Knock yourself out if you want to be a Wiccan, but a witch is some old hag with warts and a pointy hat that flies on a broomstick. Always has been, always will be. If you’re wiccan, deal with it.

  13. How “Witch” and “Wicca” are connectedEtymology of \”witch\”: Middle English wicche, from Old English wiccaSee the connection now?And just because Wicca is relatively new, doesn’t mean it’s invalid or illegitimate. Look at the mass stupidity that is most of Judeo-Christianity, which is a few thousand years old.Bah, fuck it. I was gonna rant a little, but somehow going to get some has become more important.

  14. heh, religions…Don’t we all remember from freshman sociology class that the only thing that makes a \”religion\” different from a \”cult\” is the number of the brainwas… I mean followers?

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