Hit me, baby

So, here’s an interesting thought, and it’s just me playing random connect-the-dots with ideas, but it seems to be kinda clever. It’s probably not, and I’ll hate myself when I finally come back into my right frame of mind, but we’ll just have to see.

Britney Spears‘ first single was “Hit Me Baby, One More Time.”

Her new single is “My Prerogative”, originally recorded by Bobby Brown, who was charged with battery against wife Whitney Houston, as well as threatening to “beat her ass.”

Now, Britney’s new husband (or mooch, or publicity stunt, or scumbag fuckwad who knocked up his girlfriend and left her for an easy meal ticket… whatever you wanna call him), Kevin Federline, is known for wearing a wife-beater. Je just looks like he’s the sort of guy who’d smack a woman, doesn’t he? To steal a line from Mallrats, “The guy looks like a date rapist! He’s a walking hardon, just looking for a hole!”

Yeah… way to go out, Britney. You were once the top dog in the female pop game, and now you’ve relegated yourself to playing stepmom to the illegitimate kid of a rather skeezy-looking former backup dancer of yours. Niiiiiiice.

Categorized as Music

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