Hide Her Babies One More Time

Honesty time here. I have been neglecting this site, and since nothing happens without a reason, I feel that it may be time to offer some sort of explanation. I’ve been having some health problems, and there’s been this sinking suspicion that my predilection towards mocking the pain and suffering of others for so many years has led to karmaic consequences for yours truly.

Yeah, fuck karma. Britney Spears just lost custody of her kids, and we’re starting a suicide poll. Christmastime would be the statistically sound bet, but I’m going with Halloween. Once she realizes that she won’t be able to dress her kids up like Bartels and Jaymes while parading around in her underwear (not a costume) she’ll get high as shit and then run out onto the nearest freeway onramp, hoping that her good looks will stop traffic. Which they won’t.

If we can’t pick on the misery of others, life really isn’t worthwhile now is it?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Hey Sharkey, I have no idea what ills you my old friend but I wish you the best and I’m sure a BAMF like you will recover. Take it easy bud.

  2. Oh god, I knew it, you’ve got warts all over and in your ass, don’t you? Godamnit Sharkey, we still love you. Stay strong you magnificent bastard. Stay strong.

  3. I bet on Thanksgiving. Gorges herself on turkey, dressing and cheap wine, then has fun with too many happy pills.

  4. I believe karma will give you a pass so long as you lampoon the likes of that dumb skank Miss Spears. Unfortunately for the poor kids, I don’t know who’s worse. Britney, or that mouthbreather K Fed. My sympathies to the kids, whatever the case.

    I hope her money holds out long enough to hire good therapists.

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