Hey That… Guy… Died

You know, the one who was on that one episode of “Married… with Children” and hosted a bunch of Comedy Central stand-up shows? Richard Jeni passed away when he put a gun to his face and pulled the trigger. Autopsy reports and the cause of death are still pending.

…wait, what?

An autopsy was performed Monday on comic Richard Jeni but the official cause of death won’t be announced for several weeks, according to the Los Angeles County coroner’s office.

Hold on…

Jeni died Saturday at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Winter said. Los Angeles Police found Jeni alive but gravely injured after responding to a call that morning from a woman who said: “My boyfriend just shot himself in the face.”“It was reported to us as a possible suicide,” coroner’s Capt. Ed Winter said Monday. He did not disclose what kind of weapon was used.

No suicide note was found, said Lt. Fred Corral of the coroner’s office’s investigative division.

Who was Richard Jeni dating that we need to question the cause of death, Courtney Love?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. NG’ers!!
    Just a super quick note to let you know that Fangoria TV will be broadcasting Dr. Shroud from Friday March 9th until April 12th, showing a few episodes each week.

    In promoting Dr. Shroud, I will be on Fangoria Radio (Sirius Channel 102) tomorrow night at 11:30 PM EST!! Though the show starts at 10, call in at 11:30 to 1-877-974-7487 and you might get the chance to bust my balls.

    Okay, thanks much for listening. Now back to Resident WiiVile….

    -Rob Feldman

    I’m still in San Francisco, having spent the week at the Game Developers Conference / Independent Games Festival. Castle Crashers was up for two awards – Visual Arts and the Audience Award. We won them BOTH!!!!!!!!!!

    You can watch the awards show on Gamespot’s GDC / IGF coverage and can also watch an appearance by the Behemoth (me, Dan and John) on Gamespot’s On the Spot. You’ll find us towards the end of the two hour March 8th episode and we show off the trophies we’ll be giving away for Alien Hominid XBLA leaderboard winners!

    I’ll be posting pictures when I get back, including a pick of Cliffy B (Gears of War game designer) playing Castle Crashers. Yes, he’s seen the cartoon here on NG and he even reminisced about Pico. 🙂

    Sorry the front page has been light on updates this week, I’ll get back on top of that on Monday!

  2. Different situations calls for different transformations, and you cannot always be sure what effect growing into one form can have. Becoming a coconut might help you move forward. It could also cause you to roll back to where you began. This sense of innocent exploration is one of the most charming aspects of Sprout. Making mistakes and testing the environment are integral parts of the experience.

    Analysis: When I first saw Sprout I knew I was in for a treat. During the word-less introduction I could almost hear the seedling asking the palm trees where to find its home. As many game designers have pointed out, the main ingredient in a successful game is human emotion. If you can tap that your players are hooked. Sprout nets your emotions from the very beginning and never lets go. You want this young seed-pod to succeed and you’ll do anything you can to make that happen. You internalize the story and bring the seedling to life; Sprout simply lets you play out the story you’re already invested in. That gives the game a very magical feeling, and Jeff chose the perfect art style and setting to bring it alive.

    Congratulations, Jeff, on an excellent entry into our competition. Sprout shows a lot of thought and creativity on your part and deserves all the praise we can possibly give it!

    Sprout was a welcome surprise from start to finish. Beautiful artwork is well complemented by a detailed soundtrack to create lush environments for your little sprout’s journey. The gameplay itself is like nothing I’ve ever played before, and the puzzles are tricky without being frustrating. You have a very few simple options to choose from at any given point in the game, yet the solution to each puzzle sometimes vexed me through several attempts. A well-deserved win!

    This one was really neat! I especially like games where you have to select the right tool for each job, and I feel Sprout does this in a superb way. The art is fantastic—charming and cute, and the noises complemented them well—I love how the ambient sounds fade from one to the next as you scroll along the landscape. This is also probably the most kid-friendly game of the contest. Not too challenging, but it’s clearly not the type of game that would benefit from overly difficult puzzles. My only complaint is that it ended!

  3. in new orleans, walton and johnson did a replay of all the times jeni was on their show. seems like a funny guy.

  4. Wasn’t he the one who used to do the impersonations of William Shatner and shit like that? I thought he was pretty funny. Apparently he disagreed with me.

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