Hey, I’ve Got An Idea: Fuck You!

So you might remember my rant from the other day about the idiot at the “shitkicker high school” who wouldn’t give me FTP access to his server. Since then, he has been quite lax in responding to any requests for information or assistance, so I was basically ready to say “fuck it” and let him rot.

Today the asshole had the fucking nerve to say that he doesn’t understand why this is so difficult, and that if I don’t have the skills to fix the problem, then they should just roll back to another version of their site until we can get their shit together. …MOTHER. FUCKER. He has absolutely no idea what he’s doing, he’s asking me for a fucking favor, and he has the goddamned gall to insult me? This is the same asshole who thought I could get the ASP code just by browsing to a fucking website, so you can see why I would take his opinion on technical issues with the same amount of respect as the word of a brick wall. A retarded, mute brick wall.

So of course, I responded with a little bit of anger and frustration. I told the prick that if he wanted to give me access to the server, or perhaps SEND me one of these “working” ASP mail forms, I could do something to help. Otherwise, we have reached an impasse. I didn’t go off on the bastard like I wanted to, because he’s not my client. Unfortunately when I told the people who asked me this favor, they said that I should have just reamed the motherfucker and told him to shove the website up his ass. Considering his technical know-how, he might have thought that such a thing was possible.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. You’ve been too niceI would’ve told that asshat to fuck off a long time ago. He sounds like the IT guy from my old high school – total fucking tard.

  2. Shoulda woulda couldaHe’s someone else’s client. Out of professional courtesy, I tell THEM to fuck off before telling HIM to fuck off. Kinda lame when they tell me that they wouldn’t have minded me telling him to fuck off in the first place.

  3. Up the AssTaking a website up the ass is NOT comfortable at all. Especially anything database related. All those tables and fields really put the anal stretching limits to a test.

  4. Website up the ass…… the twatspit probably would have wanted you to generate a custom script so he COULD jam it up his ass. Time to fire up the ‘ole Burninator.\”And could you ZIP that for me? I have attachment blocking turned on. You know… viruses and what not.\”Goddamned cocktwirler.

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