Hey, How About Another Sock In The Mouth?

[ Lucas To Make Episodes VII, VIII & IX? ] – stolen straight from the forum, sucka.

According to fan site Theforce.net, employees at Lucas’s company Industrial Light and Magic have all been made to sign non-disclosure agreements to promise not to talk about the possibility of episode’s seven, eight and nine being made.

A posting on the site says, “You didn’t hear this from me, but you might be curious as to why everyone at ILM just signed NDA’s saying that they will not discuss Star Wars episodes 7, 8, or 9.

“Since they’re not being made, why the NDA’s? Of course, since when has Lucas been consistent?”

Great. Superb idea. Fantastic. We’ve anally raped my childhood dreams of further Star Wars goodness, so why not follow up the sodomy by turning my memories over and going for the mouth? I’m telling you, the only way Lucas could get me interested in these flick (aside from dying a horribly painful death, and leaving complete creative control to somebody with talent) is by having Natalie Portman do a naked pole dance over Jar-Jar’s grave. And even then, I’m leaving right afterwards.

…because the movie would suck, not because I needed to… yeah. *ahem*

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. cool…if GH can keep is mits off the director’s chairI can’t help but feel that he anally raped my childhood, and brainwashed my friends at LFL & ILM into doing his bidding. There should have been an internal revolt, but they’re good about picking yes men.

  2. Actually, there is a really good trilogy …But it’s not written by Lucas. It came out a good while ago written by Timothy Zahn about a non-human Imperial general who comes back from a deep space mission with his fleet to find the Empire in ruins after the events of the 6th movie. It’s been a long time since I read it and most of the detail are fuzzy but I remember it being really good. I was a nerd and used to read Star Trek books in highschool but I know I kept those because I really enjoyed them.

  3. well…Chances are your still a nerd. There is no point to putting your statement in past tense. We all know the truth. Da-nile is not just a river. Those books are fucking old anyways. I know because im a nerd. As far as future eps go, who gives a fuck. I lost much interest after ep1 and all faith died with ep2.

  4. yeah, i read Heir to the Empire toobut george has said that the novels aren’t movie canon…he can do whatever the fuck he wants…He’s George Lucas, Bitch.Hold my drink, bitch.

  5. Everyone can bitch all they likeBut you know you and every other starwars slut is gonna lap it all up, just like me.

  6. I’m not denying I’m not still a nerdI was just stating that I was that nerd in highschool that used to read star wars novels (in BFE PA we’re not as common).Lucas said they wouldn’t make good movies? Isn’t he also the guy who thought Jar Jar Binks was a good idea and thinks the kid who played Aniken in the last movie could act, so obviously he knows his stuff. Oh well, I think they’d make good movies.

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