He’s Bad. He’s Bad. You Know It.

*slaps forehead*

[ Heart Attack Victim Moved For Michael Jackson, Dies. ]

A woman who had suffered a massive heart attack died after hospital personnel moved her out of a trauma room to accommodate a flu-stricken Michael Jackson, the patient’s family said.

The larger room was kept for Jackson, the family says. Hospital records show Jackson, 46, told emergency room staff he had severe abdominal pain. His body temperature, 96.9 degrees, was below normal and he had tears in his eyes. The initial emergency room report said he could go home anytime.

There was no doubt Jackson was sick — as a doctor assured the judge presiding over his trial — but how sick? Ruiz’s daughter-in-law says she watched as Jackson entered the emergency room.

“He walked in,” Anna Ruiz said. “When I saw him, he was walking unassisted.”

Honest to God, the news is becoming the new reality television. Yes, real people are involved. Yes, real situations are occurring to these people. But somewhere, someone is scripting this shit. The man cannot stay out of the negative light of the cameras for more than 24 hours, it’s like a physical impossibility.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. SorrySorry Sharkey, I usually love your quips but this was a security issue. The lady would not have been moved if it wasn’t safe (especially considering all the med law suits these days!) and her family is only looking for a payout.

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