Here is some good vibes, Mon (

Well MoFos, it looks like you might be getting back some of that money you spent on Miss Cleo’s hotline:

The operators of Miss Cleo’s psychic hot line agreed Thursday to cancel $500 million in customer bills to settle federal charges that the service fleeced callers while promising mystical insights into love and money.

Hmm, this post is still missing something (I mean something beside the standard lack of wit).

*digs around in archives*

Ahh, there we go.

So, this whole thing has got me wondering. If they have to give back 500 million, how fooking much did they get in the first place? When I started seeing the Miss Cleo ads all over the place, I concurred that they must be mildly successful, at least enough to keep Miss Cleo fed, but 5 undred mirrion dollas rot uv money. Hell, I ought to start something like that, but it could be the E/N call and whine support hotline. Instead of posting their love problems in the forum, they could call me (or one of my affiliates) at the reasonable price of 2.95/minute plus toll charges or whatever. Hell, I could make 500 million off MysticCobra alone! Just think if JimmyPop ever fell in love, those two would spell retirement for me.

Actually, the article says that they took in 1 billion and collected half of it (500 million). They have been ordered to forgive 500 million, which I am to assume is the half a billion outstanding. Chalk one up for not paying your fucking phone bill.

This also provides me the opportunity to give out the “I am so fucking stupid that I was actually quoted saying that” award, to one Howard Beales, FTC something or other:

“I’m no psychic but I can foresee this: If you make deceptive claims, there is an FTC action in your future,” said Howard Beales, director of the FTC’s consumer protection bureau.

That quote was so ghey I don’t think I can continue this post. I’m late for a meeting anyway.

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