Sometimes the Internet sucks the life out of you. Sometimes it sucks the life out of your penis. And then, there are some days, where you are very, very glad to have it.

It’s gonna be one of those days.

So did the bride finally get a sense of humor about the situation, or did she and the videotaping bridesmaid have a falling out? Based on what I know of women, the latter is the smarter bet.

Oh, and this is the best worst invention I’ve ever seen. Poor cat.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. You know, sometimes I have the worst luck with things…..then I think about the poor bastard waiting at the altar for this. He might as well save himself the trouble of dealing with it later and cut his penis off right now.

  2. I call bullshit – as soon as the “bride” comes in it starts to feel like a shitty SNL sketch.

    Also, her “hair” cut off looks remarkably like lil extentions.

  3. Yup…I third the motion….the aye’s have it. We have bullshit, houston. I was hoping for some tits, myself, but oh well.

    As for the cat thing….oh my god….the level of “wrongness” just shot through the roof. Talk about scarring an animal. When they took the cat out of there, it should have gone apeshit and clawed the fuck out of everyone.

  4. This is the difference between men and women. In this situation, a woman will say ‘no, you look fine. it looks great’. Whereas a guy will just say ‘you fucked up dude. more beer?’

  5. Why on earth do women turn into emotionally-crippled children as soon as something doesn’t go their way. Crybaby: “I don’t look like a bride.” For fucks sake, it’s your wedding. You can walk down the aisle with a bucked of chicken on your head and you still get to be the pretty princess of the show.

    This video should be passed on to every guy who is thinking of marriage any time soon.

  6. If this is real – that guy needs to get her doggie style, and whisper in her ear that her sister is better in bed than she is, and hold on !

    I call fake as well. That cat thing was the shizzle that made me drizzle.

  7. Glad I wasn’t marrying her. Yeah, shoulda gone for the sister. …And I think I just earned myself a faster ticket to Hell for how hard I laughed at that there cleanified kitty.

  8. Okay well I knwo chicks who actually DO shit liek that, so i can;t agree with the fakeness thign. the only thing u really can do is attempt to calm em down for first two minutes then switch over to agreeing with them fully and driving them nuts, tis more fun that way. and as for the cat, i’m gonna havta agree with Phuked on that, i got three cats and only one of em we cant wash in the tub without the water turning red.

  9. The bride to be deserves to be stuck in the cat spa. She’d probably look a little better after. I’m thinking it was a fake, but the way the one bridesmaid was laughing behind the door makes me wonder. A disgrace to the female sex either way.

  10. Yeah, I agree with the BS calls. 1) When they ask what kind of champagne it is, who the fuck would say “the good stuff” instead of a brand? ONE of them would say it. 2) No one, NO ONE would keep the camera on for that whole thing. And if they did, the other girls, not just the bride, would be telling her to shut it off. 3) Who the hell would cut their hair off instead of trying to fix it, then literally 30 seconds later freak out about it. 4) And while we’re talking about cutting hair, where the hell did those scissors come from? Magic scissors that just happened to be in the bathroom in a hotel room.

    All that aside, I still laughed my ass off at hot remotely possible this is.

    (And that girl screaming at the end was as good as half of those “scare by popping out at the end” videos out there.

  11. “3) Who the hell would cut their hair off instead of trying to fix it, then literally 30 seconds later freak out about it.”

    Seriously, do you know any females? Any at all?

  12. All of the women I’ve talked to beleive it, and they know women better than we do. There are a few zoomed in shots where she’s tugging on that hair pretty hard, and… I really don’t believe that she could be that good of an actress.

    I agree with most people’s points, like “who would cut off their hair instead of showering” and “who would keep the camera running?” But you’re thinking about what a logical person would do. Not a woman. Especially not a champaigne filled woman. Besides, most bridesmaids resent the bride anyway, why not film her horrifying breakdown?

  13. again i say: more fun for the general public for someone to tape that.
    Also woman tend to act more drunk/stoned then they actually are and are crazy enough to begin with.

  14. you’re youtube links are more entertaining when they’re not taken straight from the site’s main page and have already been seen by half the internet.

  15. Our search for web coders has ended. We have had a lot of people that responded, including some people we think are perfectly suited for our brand new MTA center website project.

    We would like to thank all people that responded, and offered us a hand on helping out getting this thing going.

    We are currently in the process of setting up everything that is required to get the project up and running.

    And to all the people that responded: You will hear from us soon!


    -The MTA Team

    by IJs, 19 comment(s)
    MTA is looking for experienced coders – Friday 5 January 2007 (13:52)
    Multi Theft Auto is looking for experienced coders to work with us to develop the next major version of our very successful online MTA community center website.

    The new community center will take care of the distribution of maps, scripts, gamemodes, etcetera. made by scripters and mappers that use MTA.

    People will be able to download and upload their creations, server administrators can easily download the latest creations to run on their own servers.

    With the next release of Multi Theft Auto, we want to make the MTA community center the core of the experience of both users, content creators and server administrators. Our aim for the map editor is to eventually tie the editor to the new community center, so sharing of maps, gamemodes and other resources will be even easier for our users.

    * Strong knowledge of PHP, at least a year experience
    * Strong SQL (MySQL) knowledge
    * A fair amount of free time over at least the next month

    Optional, but desired:
    * Good knowledge of Javascript
    * Experience developing AJAX applications

    What you get:
    * Knowledge that you’re helping out a good cause
    * Credit
    * Experience

    If you think you can do this, please don’t hesitate to contact us using either the “Contact” link on the left, or by visiting us on our IRC server (send a personal message to any of the developers). Please note that IRC will probably be faster than e-mail.


    -The MTA Team

  16. “Terry Says:
    January 29th, 2007 at 11:11 pm
    “3) Who the hell would cut their hair off instead of trying to fix it, then literally 30 seconds later freak out about it.”

    Seriously, do you know any females? Any at all?”

    I was about to say the same thing. Nothing in the video is even mildly unreasonable for a woman to behave. Can’t believe i sat through 6 minutes of that shit rubbing my cock waiting for the tits.

  17. Awesome – the “bride” is a 22 year old “aspiring actress”. Good for her – hopefully she’ll have a career as long and fruitful as LonleyGirl15’s has been.

    I don’t hate her because she “fooled” me, I hate her because now there will be spoof after spoof from all those “wacky” people being posted now.

    Also because she made me use my “quotation mark” key so much.

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