Hebroes Would Be A Rad Jew-Centric Television Series

“Heroes” is an excellent show. Season 1 was pretty damned good, and with the exception of a few choice moments (like the entire season finale) it was all around enjoyable. Season 2 would have started off well, if it weren’t for the so-called “limited commercial interruption” from last week. Sweet fucking merkatroid, why would Nissan show the same Goddamned commercial over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and….

See Nissan? That’s how fucking annoying that entire debacle felt. Switching out the guy for a girl for a guy, and then repeating the ridiculously repetitive process a mere 20 minutes later, is not a sound advertising strategy. Unless you were trying to get idiots to write about your ridiculous commercials on their equally ridiculous websites, in which case… well played. But I’ll be running anyone driving your fortuitously-named “Rogue” off the Goddamned road just as soon as possible.

So then there was this latest episode, which was great. But why the fuck did Ando not get arrested? Why doesn’t Peter just mentally whip the “identity box” out of the hands of his poorly accented Irish captors? Why do the writers want to make me care less about the plight of illegal immigrants? Hopefully they’ll answer these questions soon. And while they’re at it, they can explain why they have set out to prove that Parkman is the biggest fucking moron to moron his way around Moronville. Christ, as if the season finale didn’t make him out to be a big enough idiot, this whole season seems to paint him as the series’ bumbling sidekick, mysteriously surviving every ridiculously idiotic situation that he manages to wedge his fat self into. I can only hope that he winds up reading the mind of his father (who will wind up being Ned… RYERSON!) and, figuring out that he was a mistake, subsequently throws his useless frame into oncoming traffic.

Also, I don’t particularly know what the fuck is wrong with my health yet. I’m not dying, enjoying an STD (that I know of), or suffering from an affliction which will eventually kill me. As it stands, my health problems only exist to make living quite a bit more miserable. But since my life hasn’t consisted of much other than my own misery or mockery of the misery of others, I’ve only required some adjustments. At least my dick still works, right?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. And why doesn’t Hiro go back in time and not fuck everything up? I can’t get over that. I am also not digging this creepy Molly chick. You could drive a jeep through the gaps in her teeth.

  2. Hiro was kensai the whole time. Kind of a past depends on the future as much as the future depends on the past kind of bull shit.

    What’s really stupid is this whole “heroes” virus bull shit. In the future episode from season 1 no one was ailing from it, but now people are? Dumb.

  3. The commercials didn’t bother me too much. It may have been shown a lot, but I thought the Nissan ads were pretty clever. I mean with the episode being sponsored by Nissan, you have to expect thats all they’re going to show. Good first too weeks though!

  4. Yeah… about Heroes being a good show…

    What? Are you serious? The writing is terrible, the plot is predictable, and the whole “save the cheerleader – save the world” premise is something that could have been written by a junior high school jock. In fact – it probably was. this is what passes for entertainment?

    Give me back Firefly and Carnivale. I’ll take House, M.D. You can have Heroes.

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