He Was A Zombie?

[ Student Arrested For Zombie Story ]


Winchester police say William Poole, 18, was taken into custody Tuesday morning. Investigators say they discovered materials at Poole’s home that outline possible acts of violence aimed at students, teachers, and police.

“My story is based on fiction,” said Poole, who faces a second-degree felony terrorist threatening charge. “It’s a fake story. I made it up. I’ve been working on one of my short stories, (and) the short story they found was about zombies. Yes, it did say a high school. It was about a high school over ran by zombies.”

Even so, police say the nature of the story makes it a felony. “Anytime you make any threat or possess matter involving a school or function it’s a felony in the state of Kentucky,” said Winchester Police detective Steven Caudill.

Wow. The fact that this kid is in prison, and Paul W.S. Anderson is free and roaming the streets (not to mention sleeping with Milla Jovovich) just makes my blood boil.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Thank GodIt is good to see people like that are off the streets and locked up tight. Imagine the horrible power they could wield with an army of troll zombies ravaging through the streets of whatever cities happen to be in Kentucky.

  2. Bring it on\”Anytime you make any threat or possess matter involving a school or function it’s a felony in the state of Kentucky,\”I am poblicly stating, for the record, that I will burn down every school in the state of Kentucky.You heard it here first.

  3. I wonder…what were the grandparents thinking when they read the story, that zombie was some sort of gang?God I fucking hate paraniod morons.

  4. I fucking hate KentuckyWait… if possessing matter involving a school is illegal, wouldn’t that make homework and school books and shit illegal too?

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