He Just Wanted Some Head </Bad Pun>

This doesn’t make very much sense. Unless the fuckwit had an unimaginable case of the munchies, I can’t see how a pot smoker could ever lop off two women’s heads. Viciously ravaging a bag of Chee-Tos? Yes. Angrily biting the head off a marshmallow Peep? Sure. Taking an axe to a couple of women and running off into the forest? …I figured he’d be more inclined to take a nap or something.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Ouch…I love the line – \”ran out into the bush when police arrived.\”He’s going to be bogging bad when he comes around.

  2. woaWhen I overdose on ‘hemp’ I usually fall asleap, or vomit or something. Rarely do I go screaming out the door like I’m on shrooms or something. I think they might just find that this guy was on more than… ‘hemp’.

  3. woaWhen I overdose on ‘hemp’ I usually fall asleap, or vomit or something. Rarely do I go screaming out the door like I’m on shrooms or something. I think they might just find that this guy was on more than… ‘hemp’.

  4. Hmm… nope, no agenda here.To anyone who’s views on marijuana were swayed by this article: You’re a fucking moron who needs to be raped up the ass by a sentient blob of broken glass.

  5. Can you say ‘assumed correlation’?Isn’t that kinda like finding a chew-toy in his house and assuming his evil dog made him do it? Or finding a cable box and assuming a soft-core tease pushed him over the edge?

  6. LogicYes, drunkenmime, it is exactly like that. You know, I hate to be the bearer of stupid ideas, but wouldn’t our country benefit slightly if we took just one semester of one class of High School that was unimportant, say something like Chemistry, and replaced it with a basic logic course. I know Chemistry isn’t bad, but it has to be my least used non-elective subject. Whereas time and again, I can point to my college logic class and think, \”Wow! I wonder what would happen to our country if people suddenly felt the need to provide rationale arguments instead of bullshit ones.\” I should probably just shut up and get high.

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