Happy National Alcoholism Day

Time for some videos before I go pound a few carbombs.

  • You know Sienna Miller, the chick who’s only famous because Jude Law cheated on her? Well, here she is parading around without her top on. That’ll show him. …and make me happy.
  • Must Love Jaws – I gotta admit, I was tired of these trailer re-edits before I even saw one. But this… this is excellent.
  • Watch this shit. Right the fuck now.

    I refuse to suffer in solitude. Love is fucking scary.


Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Creepy bitchSo, if I might inquire– what the -christ- was that looped four god damn times for? Jeeeeeeesus.

  2. Scary as HellThat girl is messed up. I was literally shuddering watching it. *inserts spoon behind eyes and pulls forward**jams Q*tips deep in ears*

  3. subjectBAMF is like life; it gives you a possibility for a hardon with Sienna Miller then cruelly takes that possibility away with creepy metal-mouthed chick.

  4. Could I be more dissapointed?I totally thought that link said \”Must Love Jews.\” What a letdown that was.

  5. ….who gave that bitch a webcam?what the fuck? is this girl like, thirteen? and who on earth was she making that for? any boy that age will SURELY run in fear of a girl blathering that she loves him for like, minutes on end… unless the boy is smart, and realizes this \”endless\” love may mean some action for him. but, on the other hand, he’s probably gay. judging by that girls face. …i really do think she was trying hard to be \”sexy\” or \”seductive\”. did you catch a load of the fluttering eyelashes and like, weird tongue action? give that bitch a few years and i bet she’ll be giving some nice lurve head.ugh. idiots on the internet; as always.

  6. istanbulhate this bitch…… thanks for the nightmares. WHY SHARKEY, WHY?…. WHY must you torment us so? Lotion in the basket, ok….. trannie music video, sure….. jail-bait revolutions… not so much….. i want to show her my tony danza impression ever so quickly

  7. Yeah…I would stick my dick in this bitch’s ass and tear that shit up while she screamed, \”ILUVITILUVITILUVIT!!!!!\”

  8. Wow.Was anyone else expecting this to be one of those fucking random-pop-up-and-scare-the-shit-out-of-you videos?This didn’t need that.

  9. Oh yeah.3 years before this chick will be at her nearest frathouse with a cock in each hole, one tween her tits and one in each hand; after having consumed a wine cooler, an oregano joint, and 2 cans of near beer.

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