Happy Birthday, Blueberry

Hey Apple users, today’s the 21st birthday of the Mac. Without the hard work and dedication of pioneers like Steve Jobs, you wouldn’t be sitting there, playing the hottest PC hits of 2001 on your vanity mirror. Go ahead a pour a Mickey’s (actually, a diet Red Bull and Grey Goose seems more fitting) into your iMac, it will still function as a paperweight tomorrow.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%I love how all you can muster is that stupid Windows chant, \”5%\”, \”5%\”, funny, BMW, and Meredes have each roughly 5% of the market as well. No virii, way less pop-ups, more stable OS, and you talk trash about Mac? You must be experiencing a blue-screen.

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