Happy Anniversary, Or Birthday. Mazel Tov.

Wow, four years since the actual first news post hit badassmofo.com. It was four years ago yesterday that I opened the site, but that doesnt actually count, seeing as how I only posted self-serving bullshit to an audience that included me, and uh… me again from a different browser, creating the illusion of that extra “hit”. How far have we progressed? Let’s have a look:

Teletubbies are for Homos — Sharkey
The Rev. Jerry Falwell is trying to out one of the “Teletubbies”. The February edition of Falwell’s National Liberty Journal warns parents that the purple, purse-carrying Tinky Winky may be a gay role model; to support its claim, the article notes that purple is the gay-pride color and that the character’s antenna is shaped like a triangle-a symbol of gay pride.

“The fact that he carries a magic bag doesnt make him gay,” Steve Rice [spokesman forthe show] said. “It’s a children’s show, folks. To think we would be putting sexualinnuendo in a children’s show is kind of outlandish.”

Tinky Winky was last heard to have said “All we were tryin’ to do was spread the damn love, man!”

Meanwhile, Falwell apparently isn’t alone in his conclusions: The gay magazine Out has previously alluded to Tinky Winky’s possible homosexuality. I’d file this one under, “Who gives a shit?”

Hmm… yes, I seem to remember being a bit of a pompous ass. But see, the difference now is that I’m a pompous ass with four years of Internet writing skills under my belt, beeyotch.

And yes, my previous comment that yesterday did not count as the official “birthday” was indeed bullshit, and just a cover up of the fact that I forgot to post something about it in the first place. Honestly is always the best policy. …Actually, if blowjobs are a policy, then honesty is second only to that. Wang mouthification trumps pretty much any hand in the deck, in my opinion.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. congratulations!!Congrats for four years of the website, and thanks for giving me a place where I can waste a little bit of my time each day!

  2. 4 years?I can’t believe the Teletubbies homosexual deal was 4 years ago. It seems like it just happen not to long ago. Oh well, congrats.

  3. missed oneIf the gay magazine had *previously* alluded to Tinky Winky being gay, doesn’t that mean that Falwell reads Out magazine?

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