
Pirates Attack 2 Navy Warships (via FaaQ)

A dozen suspected pirates on a small fishing boat became prisoners Saturday after they opened fire on two Norfolk-based Navy warships in the Indian Ocean. Five of those captured were wounded and a 13th man was killed, the Navy said.

No one on the Gonzalez, a guided missile destroyer, or the Cape St. George, a guided Updates, photos and video from the Associated Pressmissile cruiser, was hurt.

Why the men opened fire is unclear, but their decision to take on Navy ships in a 30-foot fishing boat was “not too smart at all,” said Cmdr. Jeff Breslau, a Fifth Fleet spokesman in Bahrain.

“If somebody shoots at us, they can pretty much expect to die because we will return fire,” Breslau said by telephone.

Wow, those motherfuckers weren’t going out without a fight. Except that this fight was more like a kitten scratching a scab off of the heel of Mike Tyson and expecting him to bow down. Perhaps the pirates figured that the giant naval warships would see them as “adorable little scamps” and send them on their way.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. I can’t help itEverytime I read about \”Pirates\” attacking a ship I think of the peg-legged dude and a parrot shouting out \”We’re boarding this here vessel in the name of all that is evil…arghh!\”Can’t we call them something a little newer – like: Ocean-terrorists, or Sea-burglars ?I open it up for discussion.

  2. weeeee… I mean arrrrSomething about this line makes me all warm and fuzzy inside: \”The battle was as brief as it was lopsided.\”Oh, and I vote for giving pirates a more politically-correct term such as \”disadvantaged water-travelling businesspeople in the industry of acquiring pre-owned items and/or objects from customers, tenants, philanthropists, and donators; of whom all may or may not carry avian mammals upon their shoulder(s); of whom may or may not be vision-impaired; of whom may or may not be an amputee possibly requiring timber prosthetics; and of whom may possibly recite \”ARR\” at periodic moments of an undisclosed and fully-permitted manner.\”

  3. bad Americans! I’ll bet the media will say that the Navy was picking on some \”Coastal entrepreneurs\” and that they were extremely insensitive to the local customs, which often includes piracy. I’m sure Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are getting ready to speak on behalf of the \” privateers\” as we speak.

  4. Wait a minuteAvian mammals? I see a problem with this. Unless you are referring to some sort of monkey parrot hybrid. If so, I would like to know where I might be able to view and or purchase one of these creatures.

  5. yeah right\”I’ll bet the media will say that the Navy was picking on some \”Coastal entrepreneurs\” and that they were extremely insensitive to the local customs, which often includes piracy. I’m sure Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are getting ready to speak on behalf of the \” privateers\” as we speak.\”I bet no such thing will happen or has happened given that \”the media\” is already reporting about it.

  6. CIWSThis is why the Navy has converted all of their Phalanx anti-missle guns to utilize laser guidance. Their main threat scenario is a HUGE flotilla of 100+ boats trying to swarm them and overwhelm their defenses. Good luck…

  7. PiratesThis shit is depressing.How’s a nigga supposed to run off to the high seas and swashbuckle tourists, with the fucking Navy roaming around?

  8. F’real tho’ Niggas be tryin’ to hustle an feed they kids n’shit, and bitch ass muthafuckas be callin the navy on em n’shit, gnome sayin?

  9. What…the hell do you mean conquer us all. Anyway, yea, the NAVY pretty much showed up and what not. Well, screw the drunken rednecks who thought \”Hey, bet the NAVY has some purtty gifts for m’wife *loud belch*\”. So in all things considered, thank you NAVY, screw Bush & Kerry. This has been Dan Rather (back from the grave).

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