
Mysterious “next-gen” screen shots from the CFO of EA. Odd. I’m happy that the money honcho over there decided to share some technical shit with us.

Anyway, while they do seem to be pre-rendered, they are still pretty impressive. Frankly, I’m kind of afraid for the bland array of games we’ll get with the next batch of next-gen systems. For sports games and whatnot, it’s fine. But I’ve never been a supporter of the idea that more realistic = more fun.

Unless its porn. I should have specified that.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. bullshit.Yeah, an Xbox 2 might be able to push out enough polygons to make a game that looks like that, but there are two huge roadblocks to screengrabs like this on any console-A. You need to be able to make them move. In interesting ways. Non pre-rendered ways. I could make Doom 3 look like real life on my Sony Laptop, if I didnt mind 5 frames-per-minute.B. You need to get game makers to stop riding the cash cock and actually put some effort into the games they make.Therefore, none of this really makes any difference.

  2. more realistic = more funNa just eye candy some people like,why i stick to PC games i can make um look any way i want,just set the settings higher.

  3. I am not worriedas the subjest says, I am not worried, the same thing has been said every time a new system comes out, but there are always good games that come out, such as halo 1 and 2, those games kick ass. I will not worry about the games because regardless of the money, there will always companies like bungie, they made their games withought thinking of the money, they thought of how fucking fun they would be, and I have been playing their games from nearly the beginging, just have faith in the gamers that make games

  4. BungieJ3, you ever play myth and myth2 on ? I loved those games… was initially pissed when microsoft bought Bungie, but i got over it.

  5. Realism? Bad?I would’ve never thought realism in games would be a bad thing. I mean, look at all the FMV games out. Wonderful selections such as Sewer Shark and Night trap. Ah, but if only Microsoft went the Sega CD way and started with all the FMV games again. Maybe we’d have games like \”High School Janitor Crisis\” or \”Garbage Collector Dreams\”.

  6. NO SHIT.\”This week Warren Jensen, the chief financial officer of the software giant, went out on a limb to predict that PS3 and Xbox 2 will be able offer the most impressive, immersive and realistic gaming ever seen\”Thats why its a next gen console. Shouldnt that be a given?

  7. WTF MATE!!!!quote : \”such as halo 1 and 2, those games kick ass. I will not worry about the games because regardless of the money, there will always companies like bungie, they made their games withought thinking of the money\” LOL!!! didnt think about the money, where do you live boy, the only reason Halo 2 exists is exactly because of money. damn, what are people thinking these days o_0.Jas

  8. BungieI mean more from the begining, when it was bungie that owned bungie. I have always hated microsoft, being a mac fan, but even more so when they took over the creators of myth, marthon, abuse, and the likes, I know halo 2 was all about the money, but thats cause it was truely a microsoft game. When halo was created bungie just had a cool idea, that they didnt think would go anywhere, and then money happy micro took over.

  9. halo 2 Yes, Halo 2 does suck. Bought it, played it for a week, and sold it. Halo 2 just made me want to go back and play Halo 1.

  10. Halo 2Halo 2 does not suck, you have to get used to it, its a just a bit differnt then the fist in controls, this made me and my friends not like the game, but we kept with it and now we love it

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