GTA: San Andreas Sneakyness

[ GTA: San Andreas Stealth Mode Revealed ] – this game is going to be so fucking massive, I might just have to give up work to play the damned thing.

There are dozens of places in San Andreas to rob, including a number of houses in Los Santos that can be broken into, most of which contain a variety of goods that you can pinch and then hock to build up your wealth. And it’s worth going further afield than your immediate neighbourhood – the flashier districts tend to have a wider selection of luxury items that you can pilfer.

Before you start, you’ll need a getaway van (just hit R3 to jack a moving truck) and you can look the part by buying a ski mask or balaclava from a number of clothing stores. More important than aesthetics though is the fact that, balaclava firmly in place, CJ moves into sneak mode – giving proceedings a whole new Metal Gear Solid-flavoured twist.

If you end up in a house with the inhabitants still in it, you’ll need a baseball bat, shotgun or, ideally, a knife (since this is the quietest weapon) to shut them up – permanently – before they have a chance to call the police. You have to wait until after dark to make your move – people will be sleeping and you’ll have more opportunity to sneak out with the TV or video recorder under your arm (remember this is set in the pre-DVD ’90s). The burglary function works better in the light of the new, bigger interiors – houses have multiple rooms, all of which are worth searching.

God damn. Couple that with the sheer size of the three cities, the gang warfare, the eating and excercising system, and all the new vehicles, and you have a gaming orgy happening right inside your TV. I hope Rockstar isn’t overexerting the game itself, because if I have to go on a crime spree, I certainly don’t want to stop for a burger or do some calf stretches. I’m a hardcore thug, cracka. Jackin’ is my excercise and bling bling is my meat.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Everyone would be happy……if they made a \”virtual reality sleep\” of this game for convicts. And see there gameplay on live television…EVERYONE WINS!

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