Grammar Rodeo With Sharkey

OK, continuing with my “high-and-fucking-mighty” trip, I’m going to use this time to bring a few things to your attention:

  1. It’s voila. Not wallah, or wolla, or any other retarded alteration. voi·là. Period. End of story. It’s an expression to show that something has been revealed or accomplished. Simple. I know it’s French, but we’ve all come to grips with that fact. I know too many people who use “wallah” instead, which means that it is gaining public support. With enough public support, that will become unofficially accepted. And that, my friends, will cause me to stab you in the fucking eyes with a rusty fork.
  2. It’s is a contraction for “it is” or “it has.” Its is a possessive pronoun that means “belonging to it.” Please, for the love of God, try to get this one right a little more often.
  3. They’re, their, and there is another common jab in the crotch. They’re is a contraction for “they are.” Their is a possessive pronoun meaning “belonging to them.” There is a place. Like Hell, which is where you should go to if you fuck up theyre, there, or their.

Please, use this page to voice your own grammatical/spelling gripes with the general populace. Maybe someone can learn something today.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. violaviola is also a common miswording to the word voila as well. Also, said instument is usually played by douchebags and homofags. So I guess, if the hat fits, where it.

  2. messenger moronsI’m finding way too many people are transferring the horrible grammar and typing habits of messenger programs into ‘real world’ writing. I will seriously consider killing the next kid who submits a paper with \”yur\” and \”aight\” and \”scrime\” in it.Being banned from the forum makes me ache for it even more, much like when your mom was whipping me with your dad’s old belts last night. Those were some good times.

  3. oh my god…It’s fucking congraTulations, not congradulations, you dumb illiterate fucks.Irregardless is NOT a word.All the others on my mind were already covered. Bastards.

  4. Oh yeah…For the love of all that is holy, people, stop adding ‘s to fucking EVERYTHING you see. The ONLY time you add an ‘s to something is if it’s a contraction or a possessive. So: those boys’s are going to rape you = INcorrectthose boys are going to rape you = correctJust friggin read this:

  5. Doubling UpIt seems 90% of America needs to hear this one so i’ll be the second one to say it:I COULDN’T care less, NOTI COULD care less.You sound like fucking idiots when you use COULD.

  6. Sports RelatedDuring football season, I’ve grown very tired of:MeeeeeeeeshiganTrickerationJust in case Tim Brando or anyone from ESPN reads this site.

  7. Should HAVE, could HAVEIt’s not \”should of\” or \”could of\” even though \”should’ve\” and \”could’ve\” sounds the same.As in, \”I should have learned grammar in elementary school.\”

  8. For rudeThe growing fad around here is thinking \”ignorant\” means something along the lines of \”rude\” or \”mean\”. Can’t count the number of times I’ve been told, \”I got right down rude and ignorant with him!\”. Which does work in a sense, they are being rude and have no idea what they are talking about.

  9. Refrigerator not RefriDgeratorI saw this mistake in a department store once where half of the signs had the incorrect spelling and the other half had the correct spelling (funnily enough all the signs had the same handwriting).

  10. Grammar RodeoNice points, all. And as an additional tidbit of information: after years of being shat upon for the use of the word \”Ain’t\”, I find it quite hilarious that the word does appear in every reputable English dictionary. So THEIR. 🙂

  11. basic grammerConjugation of verbs.Your lawn have been mowed.We has mowed your lawn.How in Gods name did these people make it out of 4th grade.And its aSK/aSKed a question, not aX/AXedYou aSK me a question, and I bury an aX in your freaking skull.

  12. Cracka!THANK YOU, BALDERDASH!!!!Along those same lines, it’s \”would have had\” and \”could have had,\” not \”would of\” and \”could of,\” you fuking imbeciles.

  13. PronunciationThere is an R in February. Though it’s becoming more and more acceptable to pronounce it otherwise, stupidity should not be the basis on which we change our language. Feb – ru – ary. And don’t get me started on where ‘s goes. Also, there are two appropriate uses of –>.

  14. GoodSomething that annoys me is when people say they are doing ‘good’ as opposed to doing ‘well’. I’m good, how about you?\” \”I think I did really good on that test\”. Gets a little annoying to those who know the proper way to speak.

  15. CuntfartsWhat about idiots who say\type \”Could of\” when they mean \”Could have\”? That is the biggest grammatical pet peeve for me. It’s such a common phrase, yet somehow these people have never taken a moment to actually consider what they were saying.

  16. Terrible Twos.I’m surprised no one has mentioned the shameful use of \”to\”. Is typing one more letter really that difficult? (as in too, like too many… not like going to, or \”To the Batmobile!\”) Also, it’s YEAH, not ya or yah.

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