Not me. What was to be an almost certainly rushed and poorly condensed “Preacher” film will now become an HBO series.
HBO is planning a full series that will bring every issue of the entire sordid, enthusiastically blasphemous DC/Vertigo comic to the small screen… but that announcement came with the arguably dreadful news that GHOST RIDER and DAREDEVIL virtuoso Mark Steven Johnson would be handling the project.
But wait, there may be a savior after all. Several, in fact. CHUD says that in addition to Robert Rodriguez, A-list directors such as Brian de Palma and David Cronenberg have been approached and/or are interested in directing the pilot or individual episodes. People like Danny Boyle and Alex Proyas are also reportedly on the want list for the HBO show.
It’s still in the early phases so this is only discussion at the moment, but it sounds like they’re serious enough to put feelers out to fanboy-friendly helmers (and the cable outlet desperately needs a SOPRANOS-level “must watch” show). So you know guys like Guillermo del Toro and Quentin Tarantino won’t be far down that list.
That is excellent news, Preacher was just a fantastic series and could translate pretty damn well to the small screen. Plus boobies, unstoppable killers, and the hilariously witty Garth Ennis dialog, and you have a recipe for success.
I know he’s a bit old for the part, but I’ve always seen Travolta in the role of Arseface. All you’d need to do is extend that huge ass on his chin across the rest of his face, and you’re golden.
Why are you posting? The website’s dead. Didn’t you get the memo?
It’s my grave, I’ll piss on it however and whenever I please.
All I gotta say is hell yeah. Irish vampires, spitting on God, and a guy with an arse for a face. This is a great combination for an HBO series.
Good to have you back Sharkey.
This would be very nice to my eyes if it happens.
Ahhh… Dirka dirka dirka
It was fate, I spent an hour today looking for more info on this and couldn’t find any more than what was going around in early December last year. I come to the front fage for the first time in god knows how long and here it is.
Since this site sits dormant for long periods of time, I figured that I’d translate the aforementioned dirka-SPAM sitting above. Kinda had a slight curiosity as to what those spammer assholes are posting on here.
In the words of the immortal Samuel L Jackson (or Quentin Tarantino, if you want to get technical), “ENGLISH, MOTHERFUCKER!!! DO YOU SPEAK IT!?”
” Wednesday welcomes establishment of international financial campaign to support the education of children of poor nations.
وتستهد٠الØملة التي أطلق عليها “دبي العطاء” ÙÙŠ المرØلة الأولى لمساعدة Ù†ØÙˆ مليون Ø·ÙÙ„ ÙÙŠ الØصول على Ùرصة التعليم الأساسي الملائمة ÙÙŠ عدد من الدول النامية من أجل مكاÙØØ© الأمية. The campaign aims called “Dubai tender” in the first stage to assist about one million children access to basic education appropriate opportunity in a number of developing countries to combat illiteracy.
كما تستهد٠أيضا إيجاد أجيال جديدة من المتعلمين القادرين على التعاطي مع التØديات العالمية والخروج بتلك الدول من دائرة الÙقر بنشر التعليم وصولا إلى اللØاق بمسيرة التطور العالمي. As also aims to create new generations of educated people who are able to deal with the global challenges of those States and exit the cycle of poverty through education and dissemination to catch up with the global development process.
وقال بن راشد ÙÙŠ مؤتمر صØÙÙŠ إن تلك الØملة تسعى إلى Ù…Ù†Ø Ø£Ø·Ùال الدول الÙقيرة الأمل ÙÙŠ المستقبل، والقدرة على كسر Øلقة الÙقر المØيطة بعائلاتهم وأسرهم، وتمكينهم من الإسهام ÙÙŠ تنمية بلادهم ومجتمعاتهم. He said bin Rashid in a press conference that the campaign seeks to give children of poor nations hope for the future, and the ability to break the cycle of poverty surrounding their families, their families and enable them to contribute to the development of their country and their communities.
ÙˆØ£ÙˆØ¶Ø Ø£Ù† الØملة تشمل تشييد المباني المدرسية، وتدريب المعلمين وتØÙيز الطلاب ومساعدتهم على الانخراط ÙÙŠ العملية التعليمية وخÙض نسب التسرب من المدارس إلى أدنى مستوى. He explained that the campaign include the construction of school buildings, train teachers and motivate students and help them to engage in the educational process and reduce school dropout rates to the lowest level.
وقال بن راشد إن الأسرة الدولية Øددت قبل ثماني سنوات أهدا٠الألÙية الثالثة وكان من بينها تأمين Ùرص التعليم الابتدائي لكل أطÙال العالم مع Øلول عام 2015. Bin Rashed said that the international community set eight years ago and the goals of the third millennium, which included securing access to primary education for all children of the world with solutions in 2015.
ÙˆØ£ÙˆØ¶Ø Ø£Ù† الØقائق على أرض الواقع تنÙÙŠ إمكانية تØقيق هذا الهد٠ÙÙŠ المدى المنظور مع وجود Ù†ØÙˆ 120 مليون Ø·ÙÙ„ ÙÙŠ العالم Ù…Øرومين من الالتØاق بالمدارس ÙÙŠ الدول الÙقيرة معظمهم ÙÙŠ قارتي آسيا وأÙريقيا، وخصوصاً ÙÙŠ دول العالم الإسلامي والمناطق المجاورة لها. He explained that the realities on the ground denies the possibility of achieving this goal in the foreseeable future, with the presence of some 120 million children in the world deprived of schooling in poor nations, mostly in the continents of Asia and Africa, particularly in Islamic countries and adjacent areas.
وبعد أن ÙØªØ Ø¨Ø§Ø¨ العطاء بادئا بنÙسه وبعائلته ÙÙŠ هذه الØملة دعا Øاكم دبي كل المقيمين على أرض الإمارات إلى المشاركة ÙÙŠ هذه الØملة الإنسانية من خلال مجموعة من الÙعاليات التي ستتضمنها الØملة، إضاÙØ© إلى تقديم الدعم المباشر سواء كان ماديا أو معنويا لتÙعليها. After the opening bid starting with himself and the arrival in this campaign called Governor Dubai every resident on the land of the UAE to participate in this humanitarian campaign through a series of events that future campaign, in addition to providing direct support whether material or moral of activated.
آل مكتوم الأربعاء Øملة لدعم تعليم أطÙال الدول الÙقيرة. Wednesday welcomes establishment of international financial campaign to support the education of children of poor nations.
وتستهد٠الØملة التي أطلق عليها “دبي العطاء” ÙÙŠ المرØلة الأولى لمساعدة Ù†ØÙˆ مليون Ø·ÙÙ„ ÙÙŠ الØصول على Ùرصة التعليم الأساسي الملائمة ÙÙŠ عدد من الدول النامية من أجل مكاÙØØ© الأمية. The campaign aims called “Dubai tender” in the first stage to assist about one million children access to basic education appropriate opportunity in a number of developing countries to combat illiteracy.
كما تستهد٠أيضا إيجاد أجيال جديدة من المتعلمين القادرين على التعاطي مع التØديات العالمية والخروج بتلك الدول من دائرة الÙقر بنشر التعليم وصولا إلى اللØاق بمسيرة التطور العالمي. As also aims to create new generations of educated people who are able to deal with the global challenges of those States and exit the cycle of poverty through education and dissemination to catch up with the global development process.
وقال بن راشد ÙÙŠ مؤتمر صØÙÙŠ إن تلك الØملة تسعى إلى Ù…Ù†Ø Ø£Ø·Ùال الدول الÙقيرة الأمل ÙÙŠ المستقبل، والقدرة على كسر Øلقة الÙقر المØيطة بعائلاتهم وأسرهم، وتمكينهم من الإسهام ÙÙŠ تنمية بلادهم ومجتمعاتهم. He said bin Rashid in a press conference that the campaign seeks to give children of poor nations hope for the future, and the ability to break the cycle of poverty surrounding their families, their families and enable them to contribute to the development of their country and their communities.
ÙˆØ£ÙˆØ¶Ø Ø£Ù† الØملة تشمل تشييد المباني المدرسية، وتدريب المعلمين وتØÙيز الطلاب ومساعدتهم على الانخراط ÙÙŠ العملية التعليمية وخÙض نسب التسرب من المدارس إلى أدنى مستوى. He explained that the campaign include the construction of school buildings, train teachers and motivate students and help them to engage in the educational process and reduce school dropout rates to the lowest level.
وقال بن راشد إن الأسرة الدولية Øددت قبل ثماني سنوات أهدا٠الألÙية الثالثة وكان من بينها تأمين Ùرص التعليم الابتدائي لكل أطÙال العالم مع Øلول عام 2015. Bin Rashed said that the international community set eight years ago and the goals of the third millennium, which included securing access to primary education for all children of the world with solutions in 2015.
ÙˆØ£ÙˆØ¶Ø Ø£Ù† الØقائق على أرض الواقع تنÙÙŠ إمكانية تØقيق هذا الهد٠ÙÙŠ المدى المنظور مع وجود Ù†ØÙˆ 120 مليون Ø·ÙÙ„ ÙÙŠ العالم Ù…Øرومين من الالتØاق بالمدارس ÙÙŠ الدول الÙقيرة معظمهم ÙÙŠ قارتي آسيا وأÙريقيا، وخصوصاً ÙÙŠ دول العالم الإسلامي والمناطق المجاورة لها. He explained that the realities on the ground denies the possibility of achieving this goal in the foreseeable future, with the presence of some 120 million children in the world deprived of schooling in poor nations, mostly in the continents of Asia and Africa, particularly in Islamic countries and adjacent areas.
وبعد أن ÙØªØ Ø¨Ø§Ø¨ العطاء بادئا بنÙسه وبعائلته ÙÙŠ هذه الØملة دعا Øاكم دبي كل المقيمين على أرض الإمارات إلى المشاركة ÙÙŠ هذه الØملة الإنسانية من خلال مجموعة من الÙعاليات التي ستتضمنها الØملة، إضاÙØ© إلى تقديم الدعم المباشر سواء كان ماديا أو معنويا لتÙعليها. After the opening bid starting with himself and the arrival in this campaign called Governor Dubai every resident on the land of the UAE to participate in this humanitarian campaign through a series of events that future campaign, in addition to providing direct support whether material or moral of activated. ”
Sounds like some bullshit from the arab version of Yahoo News, or something.