Girl Dooms Humanity, Humanity Indifferent

[ Girl Sues Over Getting Detentions ]

A 15-year-old girl says she is going to sue her education authority over detentions which she claims breached her civil rights.

The family, who want compensation, will argue that the detentions were unlawful because they took place in Freya’s free time.

Mother Annie McDonald told the Daily Express the detentions had had a bad effect on her daughter’s well-being, her confidence and her health.

…just when I was feeling all holiday-giddy, and in a generally pleasant spirit, some cunt over in Europe has to bring me down. It’s really sad to get yourself so high on yule tidings, only to have it torn apart because someone’s mother is a litigation whore. Great.

Then, of course, I think about the winged monkeys that will soon be descending upon their abode, clawing at eyes and humping the sockets with malicious fervor, and I get a warm, fuzzy tingling in my nether regions. Is that bad? Good. Happy Post Christmas everybody.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. oh fucking brotheri like the part where the mother kept the daughter home in protest but shes now back in school. and im just dying to know what the mother does for a living. Education seems SO important to her… :shakes head:

  2. the nonobvious partEveryone notices the complete idiocy of the lawsuit, but no one mentions the cultural idiocy evident in the phrase \”education authority.\” Euphamisms are the third sign of the apocalypse, I think.

  3. An Open LetterDear Total FuckwitI’m sorry, but what is the point of suing a school? Last I checked, schools were pretty much the LAST place you went if you were looking for easy money. And who the fuck is going to rule in your favor? Fucking idiot. Go spill some water on the floor of a McDonald’s and then sue THEM. I’d say it would be dangerous because you could fall on your head and cause brain damage, but it looks like the good Lord helped you out by not installing one. -HumanityP.S. Please kill yourself. You’re wasting oxygen that we were busy putting to good use.

  4. Easy money!The sad thing is that the European Court of Human Rights is probably going to uphold the damn thing- after its been laughed out of the national courts. And schools (well… in Ca anyway, not sure about Eu and the rest of US) are really easy money because they often tend to settle out of court for about half what the lawyers would cost for a high-profile case- ie $/£ 1000s.

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