GeekButterface Would Have Been Accurate

Their intentions are in the right place… but their product leaves a lot to be desired. Although who knows, I’ve been to the midwest, I’ve seen the kind of chicks that corn-fed inbreeding can produce… maybe these girls are considered “gorgeous” over there. But here in Cali… they’re about as attractive as a McDonald’s lunch. Why not go take a look at the Geek Gorgeous Calendar and decide for yourselves, maybe my standards have just ascended a bit too high.

The calendar showcases young ladies who are not only beautiful and stylish, but can also fix your computer, normalize your databases, discuss the advantages of polymorphism, and beat you at Doom.

The calendar’s producer, who is a female software engineer, hopes the calendar will raise enough money to start a scholarship fund for girls interested in attaining degrees in Computer Science.

Yeah, a couple of them are fairly do-able, but other than the “geek” stigma, there’s no real reason to slap their images on any kind of marketing material. At least some of the uglier ones have some decent bodies, but that Barbara… what the Hell is she doing on there? She must be the wife of an investor or something, because she’s definitely got a face for radio.

I think I’ll stick to my Far Side calendar… thanks.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Huh?How can a woman beat me at Doom? Or any other video game for that matter? There is no computer in the kitchen.

  2. bwhaha[quote]How can a woman beat me at Doom? Or any other video game for that matter? There is no computer in the kitchen[/quote]Tha’s GOLD man… GOLD

  3. woayeah… Barbara scares the bejezus outta me. I think ill buy the calendar and place it up in the MIS office here at work…

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